The fact that others are getting through the crises better is “a matter of perspective,” said the economist, who is considered a hot candidate to succeed Robert Holzmann as National Bank Governor, and described the job as a “dream” to Ö1 on Tuesday. “In Europe as a whole, we have lost competitiveness.”
Both here and in the EU, efforts must be made to increase competitiveness once more. When asked whether the construction package needs to be expanded and whether an economic stimulus package for industry is necessary, Kocher said in the “Mittagsjournal” that packages are not always the solution. Most recently, the top representatives of the largest domestic economic research institutes Wifo and IHS even demanded a billion-euro savings package from the next government. Kocher will then no longer be a member of this government, however, even if he has not yet been officially chosen as the next chief central banker in the Council of Ministers, which then also has to be signed by the Federal President.
“Job-swapping” criticism
Kocher left it open whether that would be the case tomorrow, Wednesday – he does not make the agenda of the Council of Ministers. If the matter comes on the agenda, he will have someone represent him, as is appropriate.
In response to the opposition’s criticism of “job-swapping” and the fact that many observers also thought the top job was advertised deliberately before the next National Council election, Kocher said that it was “a dream” for an economist to take on the role of National Bank Governor. He had made his application public for this reason and in the interests of transparency. “I believe I have the prerequisites for the role.” The role will become even more important in the coming years. The appointment process complies with constitutional requirements. At the time of the advertisement, Kocher referred to the General Council of the OeNB.
On the question of independence as a former minister on the ÖVP ticket, Kocher said “there has to be a decision as to how someone is appointed.” He now has three years of ministerial experience following his work as IHS head. That is no harm. “There have also been governors in the past who have held ministerial posts before or following.” That is neither unusual in Austria nor in other European countries.
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