Marta Lech-Maciejewska is honest about her diagnosis. She has a malignant tumor

Marta Lech-Maciejewska shared very sad news on her Instagram profile. It concerns her health. As it turned out, she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. In the entry, she told her story.

Author: Instagram/superstylerblog Marta Lech-Maciejewska has a malignant tumor. “I can’t turn back time, but I can warn you”

Marta Lech-Maciejewska gained popularity thanks to her role as the host of the program “The Second Life of Wedding Dresses” on Polsat Café. She is also active in social media, where she fulfills herself as an influencer and is eager to promote her brand.

On Instagram, you can see snippets of her daily life. In her latest post, however, she decided to share very personal and moving news. As she wrote, she is struggling with malignant tumors and has already started treatment under the supervision of professionals.

Marta Lech-Maciejewska on her diagnosis. Her life has changed

Under her post there was a really long entry in which she talked about the three things that surprised her the most after the diagnosis she had heard a month earlier. As I write, the first of them is her own strength. She thought that the information about such a diagnosis would kill her, but it did not happen.

The second was how her husband was doing. In the post, she wrote that he was like a rock to her and supported her in this difficult path, which is the fight against malignant tumor.

As she wrote in her post:

The third, most surprising thing for me, is that the world did not stop and life goes on after the diagnosis.

The star admitted that the last month has been very different from her life so far. She admitted that the diagnosis fills her with fear, but “she has a feeling that everything will be fine.”

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The star revealed that although her tumor is malignant, it has a very good prognosis. It turns out, however, that her tumor has been growing for… 8 years. As the celebrity claims, doctors initially ignored the detected tumor and only recently a new doctor sent her for a biopsy.

I can’t turn back time, but I can warn you. Today I have more tests. We are checking if these 8 years have caused my friend to live somewhere else than just in the tumor.

– he writes in his post.

Malignant tumor. What should we know about it?

Malignant tumors are currently one of the most common and dangerous diseases. The latest data indicate about 146 thousand cases in Poland per year. Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid growth, low cell differentiation and the ability to create metastases.

It is this form of cancer that is a direct threat to life. These tumors grow by growing between the cells of other tissues. They can also get into the blood or lymph, where they later release cells. These then travel through the bloodstream creating a premonition.

In the case of malignant tumors, the degree of malignancy is determined. The basis for this classification is the extent of changes in the body and the duration of the disease. Among malignant tumors, the following are distinguished: carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, gliomas, melanomas, and immature teratomas.

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