Artis Marsha Aruan came to the Tabitha Ukrida Funeral Home with his mother and sister, Michelle Aruan. Marsha Aruan is still grieving and devastated by the death of her father.
According to detikcom, Marsha Aruan arrived at 12.32 WIB wearing all black clothes and sunglasses.
To the media crew, the actor in the film ‘Nagih Janji Cinta’ revealed the cause of his death, which was allegedly due to a heart attack.
“Dad really had a heart attack. We also don’t know the details,” said Marsha Aruan when met at the funeral home in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, Thursday (8/12/2022).
Still feeling devastated by her father’s departure, Marsha Aruan might not say much. He apologized for being still very grieving and devastated.
“Thanks to journalist friends who have been busy here. I’m really sorry I can’t say much yet,” said Marsha Aruan.
“But, thank you very much for taking the time to come here,” he continued.
On behalf of the extended family, he apologized to his father who had passed away. Marsha Aruan apologized if his late father made any intentional or unintentional mistakes.
“Just ask for prayers for my father, I hope my father will be accepted and also ask for help and pray for me and also forgive me if my father makes mistakes,” said Marsha Aruan.
“Please forgive me. That’s all. I can only say that,” he added.
Marsha Aruan together with his sister and his mother entered the room and hugged each other with relatives who were inside.
Watch Video “Grief, Marsha Aruan Cannot Talk Much About Father’s Death “
[Gambas:Video 20detik]