#MarsBleu Challenge taken up for Team Mutualité Française Occitanie!

In March, the Mutualité Française Occitanie team took part in the connected challenge launched by the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center in Occitanie (CRCDC-OC) around cancer prevention. This collective sporting challenge has promoted the practice of daily physical activity in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

From March 6 to 26, fifteen mutual employees took up the challenge “With the CRCDC-OC, let’s challenge cancer! » via a smartphone application counting the number of daily steps of the participants and allowing them to see in real time their evolution in the regional ranking thanks to the points earned. Congratulations to our three teams who covered 1,644,905 steps over 21 days and to the Toulouse team who placed 56th position (out of 177 teams).

As a prevention player, the Mutualité Française Occitanie wanted to mobilize around raising awareness of colorectal cancer screening. Participation in organized screening for colorectal cancer is the highest since 2010. However, this rate is still below the European standard (45%)*.

Since March 2022, to increase the participation rate of the target population, the terms of access to the kit have been facilitated. From now on, in addition to the delivery of the kit by the doctor (general practitioner, gastroenterologist), the screening test can also be collected from the pharmacy or ordered directly online on the site. monkit.depistage-colorectal.fr to receive it directly at home. The Health Insurance automatically takes charge of the entire analysis of the screening test, without upfront costs.

This regional challenge was an opportunity for the employees of the Mutualité Française Occitanie to unite to carry out and support this awareness-raising action and to recall the importance of primary prevention and early detection of colon cancer, in order to avoid developing the disease.

In the end, this regional challenge counted 834 players including 177 teams and allowed all the participants to cover more than 80,000 km.

* Source: Public Health France



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