Married Li Ronghao without a wedding in 2 years!Rainie Yang personally vomits “slowly first” reason…Private wedding dress styles exposed-民视新闻网

Entertainment Center / Reported by Zhou Xiwen

Celebrity Rainie Yang and Chinese singer Li Ronghao have been married for two years. Their relationship is very sweet, but the young couple have not held a wedding yet. Rainie Yang recently put on a wedding dress for the show. Although it has fulfilled the wishes of many fans, everyone still looks forward to seeing her in the wedding dress. In this regard, Rainie Yang also said frankly: “I have never worn a wedding dress because of personal factors,” and exposed the reasons for not having a wedding in a hurry.

Rainie Yang officially recognized her love Li Ronghao in 2017, and announced her marriage two years later. Unexpectedly, she soon encountered Wuhan pneumonia. The two were separated for nearly one year. Although the relationship is very stable, they have not held a wedding or took wedding photos. In response, she posted a series of white gauze photos yesterday (8th), frankly “never wore a wedding dress for personal reasons”, but because she wanted to sing “Hemerocallis Flower” with Yang Kun on the show, in order to truly express her daughter’s marriage, My father’s longing will put on the wedding dress especially.

Rainie Yang especially put on a wedding dress for the show. (Photo / Reversed by Rainie Yang IG)

In addition, Rainie Yang also revealed that even if one day actually wears a wedding dress, it will not be the style on stage. “Because my wedding dress is a suit, I don’t like to wear a wedding dress.” Regarding when the real wedding will come, Rainie Yang also Dafang said: “Don’t worry about your wedding. The epidemic is now, let’s slow it down.” He didn’t forget the publicity program, “Want to see how I am married? Let’s take a look at this stage first.”

Married Li Ronghao without a wedding in 2 years!Rainie Yang vomits
Rainie Yang revealed that her private wedding dress would be a “suit”. (Photo / Reversed by Rainie Yang IG)

Although it was worn for the show this time, the appearance of Rainie Yang wearing white gauze also fascinated many fans. I was shocked when I was writing… I want to say goodness! Wedding photos?”. What’s interesting is that many fans also specifically labeled Li Ronghao, “Brother, it’s time to act”, “Bring her in a wedding dress”, “Your wife is so beautiful, I look forward to her wearing a wedding dress because of you”, “Hurry up and let my sister-in-law wear a wedding dress.” Ah brother”.

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