Marrero Cruz promises that in 5 years Cuba will have a “more favorable situation”

The average Cuban is torn between “creative resistance” and promises of improvement. This week, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz promised that Cuba would be in a “more favorable” situation in 5 years. What do you think?

Marrero Cruz said in a recent interview with the Iranian television network Hispan TV that in five years he sees Cuba in a “much more favorable situation.”

The leader of Miguel Díaz-Canel’s government said that although the path they have charted is “very hard” and “very difficult”, he is convinced that it will bear fruit, recalling that “the revolution has overcome more difficult moments and has achieved victory.”

The Prime Minister also stressed the importance of international assistance from friendly governments, specifically mentioning countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia.

“We do not promise our people what we cannot deliver,” Marrero said, assuring that they will advance “little by little” and with “firm steps,” facing all challenges “until victory always.”

What do Cubans think of this new promise from a leader? According to social media, some say that these are the same old promises that are not kept and that Cubans have been “going through years” without a light at the end of the tunnel. Others want to believe that improvements will actually be seen in a short time.

Marrero Cruz: Is the situation in Cuba more favorable in 5 years?

Marrero’s statements about a more favorable situation for Cuba in 5 years are added to a series of unfulfilled promises by the Cuban government in the first half of this year and where the planned objectives have not been achieved.

They have not even been able to implement all the projections and laws promised; they have been experimenting as they go along.

Marrero acknowledged the need for a change in the “work system,” warning that “it cannot be the same as the one we had in the first half of the year,” and highlighted the ongoing fight against bureaucracy and the slowness of procedures on the island.

Last April, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel reiterated another promise, that Cuba will have “better times” through “effort and creative resistance.”

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