Marrakech Unveiled: The Kingdom’s Biggest News Stories Exposed

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The following is a display of the most prominent national newspaper headlines issued today, Tuesday, October 8, 2024:

Nasser Bourita discusses with a delegation from the US Senate (Morocco Sahara)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad, Nasser Bourita, held discussions in Rabat with a delegation from the US Senate. In a statement to the press following these discussions, Senator Jerry Moran (Kansas State) highlighted the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, stressing the important role that Morocco plays in promoting peace within the region and in the world. The American official said, “It is very important for the United States to have the strongest ties and the best relations with Morocco,” describing the Kingdom as a “source” of stability and peace in the world.

Warning that education is entering a new congestion (Moroccan Sahara)

Talk about congestion in education has returned to the forefront of discussion in the sector, in light of tension embodied in forms of protest and issuing warnings aimed at warning of the possibility of facing this scenario during this school season as it begins. This is what the National University of Education (Democratic Orientation) went for, as it warned, in a statement, against any attempt to retreat and circumvent commitments and agreements, in a way that is not consistent with restoring dignity to the teacher, and in a way that also responds to the expectations of the educational workers and responds to their demands and reparations for all victims (practicing and retired). ).

The “absence” of the September round of dialogue angers the union centers (Moroccan Sahara)

Unions criticized the government’s “absence”, once again, of the September round of social dialogue, contrary to what was included in the Social Dialogue Charter signed on April 30, 2022, which stressed that institutionalizing social dialogue is an absolute necessity. The most representative union centers are awaiting the Prime Minister’s invitation to hold a social dialogue session (the September Round) during this October, to discuss a group of important files, most notably the Finance Law and the draft strike law, the current form of which the unions reject in its entirety.

Judicial commissioners… a week without reporting (Moroccan events)

Judicial commissioners in Morocco decided to go on a national warning strike for a full week, from October 14 to 19, in order to express their rejection of draft laws related to professional affairs, such as the draft law amending the civil procedure law and the draft amending the law regulating the profession. The association expressed its “dissatisfaction” with the “absence” of the state’s response to their legitimate demands related to reforming the justice system. The strike decision came during the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the National Authority of Judicial Commissioners.

The seventh year knot prolongs the crisis (Moroccan events)

The duration of medical training creates controversy again. After professors expressed their opinion on this matter, the Moroccan Network for the Defense of the Right to Health confirmed that the duration of training in medical colleges in Morocco is 8 years and not 7, as is being promoted by some officials, considering that the Moroccan doctor On average, he spends between 8 and 9 years studying and training in order to obtain a doctorate in medicine. She called on the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation to listen to the voice of students, involve medical professors in the reform project, and find real solutions to the crisis in the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dental surgery, which has been going on for more than 10 months.

Oil prices are flying high (morning)

Olive oil prices continue to rise season after season, as a result of the significant decline in the number of olive trees due to drought, which led to an increase in the price of 40 dirhams compared to last year. Al-Sabah learned from field sources that the price of the new oil, the first shipments of which entered the market last week, reached 120 dirhams, while the price of olives reached 15 dirhams per kilogram. While citizens are angry at the new prices for olive oil, farmers in a number of regions are experiencing a very delicate and difficult period as a result of the strict measures related to irrigation water.

Regional companies erupt in congestion at the Water and Electricity Office (News)

The five-member union coordination of the employees of the National Office of Water and Electricity intends to go on strike for three days in the month of October, with a protest in front of the general administration of the office, due to what they considered a “closing” of the doors of dialogue by the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water and its intention to transfer users to multi-service regional companies. , which is responsible for distributing water and electricity. The unions considered that “the wording of the draft law that was recently approved by the government council strikes deeply into the generality of a vital and strategic sector for Morocco,” noting that the draft law “may undermine the gains accumulated by the office’s male and female employees.”

Infrastructure.. Morocco outperforms the Maghreb countries and advances by 6 degrees globally (Message of the Nation)

Morocco made progress by six degrees in the infrastructure index, ranking 88th globally out of 132 countries included in a report issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in cooperation with Cornell University and the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), compared to 94th place globally, which It ranked last year in the index. Morocco obtained an average of 33.9 points in this index, which is considered among the seven main axes on which the annual innovation index is based, and it is this rate that enabled it to lead North African countries.

A message of condolence and sympathy from His Majesty the King to the family members of the late distinguished actress Naima Al-Mashriqi (Message of the Nation)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolence and sympathy to the family members of the late distinguished actress Naima Al-Mashriqi. It was also stated in this telegram: “On this painful occasion, we express to you, and through you to all your families and loved ones, and to all the lovers of the late deceased, especially her national artistic and cultural family, our deepest condolences and our most sincere feelings of sympathy, on the passing of a pioneer of theatrical, television and cinematic acting in our country, who contributed For decades, it has enriched the Moroccan artistic scene with distinguished works, through which it highlighted the authenticity and richness of the high and purposeful art of Moroccan acting, thanks to the strong will God bestowed upon it, beloved spontaneity, and a creative spirit passionate about the ancient Moroccan heritage.”

Reactions from Moroccan professionals calling for investing in the decision of the European Court of Justice (Al-Alam)

The National University of Fish Processing and Valuation Industries and the Moroccan Confederation of Exporters called for the implementation of the decision to cancel the fishing and agricultural trade agreements between Morocco and the European Union, issued by the European Court of Justice. The National University of Fish Processing and Valuation Industries presented recommendations such as moving to sustainable and carbon-free fishing and promoting Moroccan products at the international level, stressing that it is determined to support the government in implementing these strategies that will allow the fishing sector to overcome this crisis and prosper in the long term. In the same context, the Moroccan Confederation of Exporters sent two letters respectively to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, confirming its readiness to support the government’s strategy aimed at defending the economic interests of the Kingdom.

Morocco seeks to double the production capacity of desalinated water ten times (Al-Science)

In the context of the efforts made to overcome problems related to water, and in implementation of royal directives, the Ministry of Equipment and Water continues its ambitious program at all levels related to water projects. In this context, the ambitious and proactive program related to seawater desalination stands out, which includes 17 projects, three of which are being carried out by the OCP. By 2030, the production capacity of seawater desalination plants will be 1.7 billion cubic meters annually, of which 53 percent will be directed to drinking water, 40 percent for irrigation and 7 percent for industry, as Morocco seeks to double the production capacity of desalinated water ten times, relying on renewable energy projects.

Abdul Rahim Shahid: The government deals with laws according to the logic of numerical majority only (Socialist Union)

Abdul Rahim Shahid, head of the socialist team in the House of Representatives, said, “Government performance has witnessed a clear decline on many levels.” Shahid explained, in a press interview, that “the government is facing great difficulties in implementing the programs and projects it approved. We believe that it needs a new start and a new political breath.” Regarding the legislative agenda, he said: “We note that the government deals with laws based on the logic of a numerical majority only, without giving sufficient importance to societal dialogue or consultation with the concerned parties.”

Austria reaffirms its commitment to its “excellent relations” with the Kingdom of Morocco (Socialist Union)

Austria reiterated its adherence to the “excellent relations” that link it with the Kingdom of Morocco. The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, in a statement published on its account on the (X) platform following the issuance of the European Court of Justice’s decision regarding the fishing and agricultural agreements between the European Union and the Kingdom, that Vienna supports the joint statement issued by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the High Representative of the Union. European Union, Josep Borrell, regarding the decision of the European Court of Justice.

Benmoussa celebrates women and men in education and looks forward to a quality school for all (statement of the day)

The Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa, confirmed that the essential role played by male and female teachers within the educational system requires them to keep pace with and adapt to societal and cultural transformations and rapid scientific development. Benmoussa highlighted, in a letter of thanks and appreciation that he addressed to education frameworks, on the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, that “Guided by the royal directives, and in accordance with the contents of the 2022-2026 road map and laying the solid foundations for reforming the educational system in accordance with a clear strategic vision and a participatory approach, we commend the pioneering role of women and men.” Education, and their dedication to spreading science and knowledge and achieving the causes of advancement and prosperity that our country seeks.”

The 15th edition of the Horse Exhibition in El Jadida attracts about 200,000 visitors (Bayan Al-Youm)

The representative of the International Horse Exhibition, Habib Merzak, confirmed that the 15th session of this event, which was held at the Mohammed VI Exhibition Center in El Jadida under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, attracted about 200,000 visitors from different age groups. Marzak explained, in a statement to the press after the conclusion of the session’s activities, that the exhibition witnessed the participation of more than 40 countries, more than 700 female and male riders, and about a thousand mares of different breeds, highlighting that the success of this session came thanks to the combined efforts of the various stakeholders, partners and supporters.

Tangier security arrests a Portuguese man wanted internationally (evening)

Members of the state service of the judicial police in the city of Tangier arrested a citizen of Portugal, aged 33 years, because he is the subject of an international arrest warrant issued by the Portuguese authorities, and is also being sought under a red notice issued against him by the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). ). A security source stated that the location of the suspect’s disappearance was determined based on accurate information provided by the services of the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, which led to his arrest yesterday evening, Sunday, in the city of Tangier, after he entered Morocco illegally.

Sick leave for employees…new provisions come into force (Le Matin)

New legislative provisions relating to medium- and long-term sick leave have entered into force. This procedure will enable, from now on, the concerned employees to receive their full wages according to their administrative status throughout the period of the sickness license, and the matter is also related to updating the list of diseases that entitle the right to these licenses.

Tourism..a decline in the number of tourist overnight stays (Lizanperacion Eco)

During the first eight months of the current year, national tourism recorded an increase in the number of overnight stays (plus 13 percent). This is mainly due to foreign visitors and Moroccans residing abroad. On the other hand, the local market continues to decline, as it declined by 4 percent between last January and August, including 6 percent recorded during last August alone, according to data provided by professionals of classified tourist accommodation institutions.

Morocco is ready to play a leading role in strengthening trilateral cooperation relations between China and Africa (Al-Bayan)

The Moroccan Ambassador to China, Abdelkader Al-Ansari, said that Morocco is ready to play a pioneering role in strengthening trilateral cooperation relations between China and Africa in a number of important sectors. He stressed in an interview with the Chinese channel CGTN that “Morocco looks forward to working with China for the benefit of the African continent, given its historical relations with African countries.”

Cairo Days International Monodrama Festival: Moroccan playwright Said Attour is among the winners of the Monodrama Writing Competition (Liberation) award

The Cairo Days International Monodrama Festival announced the winners of the awards for its seventh session, which was held during the period from 1 to 5 October, during a ceremony organized at the Cairo Opera House, including Moroccan playwright Saeed Attour, who is the head of the Dakhla Theater Ensemble Troupe in the Dakhla-Wadi El-Dahab region. Who won the Monodrama Writing Competition Award for the theatrical script “The Sewing”, along with Najah Abdel Nour for the script “Mr. Tamam”, Khaled Tawfik for the script “Tomorrow I Buy Wings” from Egypt, and Mounir Radhi from Iraq for the script “Lady Macbeth”.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #published #Tuesday #October



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