Markus Wallner: An Honest and Straightforward Governor from Vorarlberg

2023-09-07 22:11:05

Vorarlbergers are said to be particularly straightforward, they don’t beat around the bush a lot. Is it all just a prejudice? In fact, there are also people from Vorarlberg who don’t quite fit this cliché. But the governor does – he gets to the point faster and more clearly than most of his eastern colleagues, and doesn’t mince his words. This is also the case in the series of “Krone” state governor summer interviews that Markus Wallner is concluding today. “Krone” domestic policy director Ida Metzger wants to know from the Vorarlberg state chief, whose critical openness towards the then federal party leader and chancellor Sebastian Kurz was once very resentful, which short film he will visit. It is well known that a short-friendly film and a short-critical film compete with each other for cinema-goers. He only has one film on his list that he urgently needs to see. And that’s not the film regarding Kurz. But one from the international blockbuster duo. You guessed it: it’s neither regarding Kurz nor regarding Barbie, but regarding the film regarding Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. And why doesn’t he want to see the (friendly) short film? Wallner: “It doesn’t particularly interest me. I saw the trailer. That was it. I don’t think looking in the rear view mirror is of much use. You should look ahead. You can understand Sebastian Kurz’s way of coming to terms with the past, but it’s his business.” Very frank words!

#GOOD #MORNING #Short #Barbie #Bablers #moth #box

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