Market Pass Payments: Who Will Be Left Behind in Funding This Monday

Payments of €277 million to 2.61 million citizens entitled to Market Pass have started since Friday (29/9). By Monday (2/10), the first round of payments will be completed, however, there will be beneficiaries who will not see the money go into their accounts.

This will happen because the application they have submitted, either by the known procedure until September 25 if they are new beneficiaries, or automatically by the system for the old ones, will still be processed. AADE is proceeding with cross-checking data based on the latest tax returns. If the tax return is not cleared by September 25th, the Market Pass payment process will not proceed.

Those who, now, have applied after September 25, or will apply by the October 31 deadline, will see money in their accounts by November 5.

We remind you that the financial aid concerns all those who had already received the financial aid in the previous months or submitted a new application until September 25, to change the method of granting the aid or to change the IBAN number of the bank account, in relation to the first payment.

For the quarter to be paid (August-September-October) the amounts are 66 to 300 euros.

Those who choose the credit to the bank account receive 80% of the prescribed amounts, i.e. in this case from 53 euros up to 240 euros for the quarter.

In particular, the amounts are structured as follows in the event that someone chooses a physical card:

22 euros in a single-member household
32 euros for a couple without children
32 euros to a single-parent family with a dependent child
42 euros for a single-parent family with two dependent children
42 euros to a couple with a dependent child
52 euros for a couple with two dependent children
62 euros to a couple with three dependent children
72 euros to a couple with four dependent children
The aforementioned amounts, if the payment of the market pass to a bank account is chosen, are reduced by 20%.

The second “wave” of payments

There will also be a “second” wave of payments for those who apply after September 25 and until October 31, 2023 and given that their tax returns will be cleared after the 25 of the current year: This category of beneficiaries will be paid on November 5, 2023.

It should be noted, however, that the payment of the market pass will continue until the end of the year (i.e. also for the months of November-December) in Thessaly and the other areas affected by the floods, but also for Evros and indeed the amount in said areas is doubled: Thus, for the affected areas from 22 euros per month for a one-person household, an amount which increases by 10 euros for each additional member, will rise to 44 euros per month and will increase by 20 euros for each member of the household.

Eligible are the households that still receive it today (with the same income criteria) in the entire Region of Thessaly and Evros, as well as in the areas that were declared in a state of emergency due to the floods in Boeotia and Fthiotida. The beneficiaries are approximately 280,000 households with 740,000 members.

Beneficiaries of the aid are natural persons, single or married or widowed or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement or are separated or divorced.

Especially, for married people or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement, the beneficiary is the person liable to submit the income tax return, according to article 67 of the Income Tax Code (law 4172/2013, A’167) or one of the two in case of submission of a separate declaration.

Natural persons are entitled to aid if they meet the following criteria:

Singles should have an annual income of up to 16,000 euros.
Married couples should have an income of 24,000 euros, plus 5,000 euros for each child.
Single-parent families should have an income of up to 24,000 euros, plus 5,000 euros for each dependent child
The amount of immovable property for unmarried persons is up to 250,000 euros and for married persons up to 400,000 euros.
The annual total family income does not include that which is cumulatively exempt from income tax.
To determine the family status, the number of dependent children, other dependent members and guest members, as well as the income criteria, the data of the Personal Income Tax Declaration are used. If the spouses or cohabiting parties submit a separate declaration, the greater of the number of children declared in one of the two (2) declarations is taken.

Who are “automatically” excluded from aid?

The following are immediately excluded from the granting of aid:

The natural persons, who are declared in the Personal Income Tax Declaration for the tax year 2022 as dependent members of the debtor according to article 11 of the Income Tax Code.
Natural persons, who declare in the Personal Income Tax Declaration for the tax year 2022 that they are hosted.
Individuals subject to the luxury living tax for tax year 2022.
Foreign tax residents.
Individuals who have not submitted their income tax return for tax year 2022 by the due date for tax year 2022.
The allowance, depending on the family members, ranges from 22 to 100 euros per month if it is paid on an immaterial digital card.

The aid is 10% of the monthly amount of purchases up to 1,000 euros and its amount starts from 22 euros per month for single-member households and is increased by 10 euros for each additional member of the household. The above purchase limit does not apply to beneficiaries with more than six (6) dependent children.

Exceptions are the beneficiaries of the previous Market Pass for whom re-submission of the application is not required. The system will identify through an internal ex officio process and credit the amount to the medium they had previously chosen (bank account or digital debit card).

The beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the Market Pass are all tax residents of Greece who have submitted a tax return for 2022 on time and whose annual total income does not exceed:

the sixteen thousand (16,000) euros for an unmarried debtor or a widowed or separated debtor,
the twenty-four thousand (24,000) euros for a married debtor or the married or the parties to a cohabitation agreement who submit a separate tax return without children, which is increased by five thousand (5,000) euros for each dependent child, other dependent member and guest member of household,
twenty-four thousand (24,000) euros for a single-parent family and is increased by five thousand (5,000) euros for each dependent child, other dependent member and visiting member, after the first.
In addition, the total value of the real estate must not exceed the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euros for the unmarried, widowed or separated debtors and the amount of four hundred thousand (400,000) euros for the married or parties to a covenant cohabitation and single-parent families.

Beneficiaries can choose the way to receive the Market Pass financial support:

either by issuing an immaterial digital card, which they will store on their smartphone and which they will show in their purchases,
or through direct payment of the subsidy amount to a bank account that they will declare. In this case, the beneficiaries will receive 80% of the amount due to them.

#Market #Pass #Payments #Continue #Wont #Money #Monday

Following areas will receive additional⁤ support due to the recent natural disasters.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the ‌topic of Market Pass payments ‍in Greece:

Market Pass Payments: Everything You Need to ​Know

Payments of €277 ⁤million to ​2.61 million citizens entitled to Market Pass have started

The Greek government has initiated the payment process of the ​Market Pass to eligible citizens, with a total amount of​ €277 million being disbursed ⁣to 2.61 million beneficiaries. The first round of payments will be ​completed⁤ by Monday, October 2, but some beneficiaries‍ may not receive the payment immediately.

Delays in Payment Due to Cross-Checking Data

The delay in payment is due to the cross-checking of data by AADE (Independent Authority for Public Revenue) based on the latest tax returns.​ If the tax return is not cleared by ‍September 25, the Market Pass payment⁤ process will not proceed. Beneficiaries who have applied after September 25 or will apply by the October 31 deadline will receive the⁣ payment by November 5.

Eligibility Criteria ‍for Market Pass

The Market Pass financial aid is designed to ⁢support low-income households, with the amounts ranging from €66 to €300 for the quarter (August-September-October). The amounts are structured as follows:

€22 for a single-member household

€32 for a couple without children

€32 for a single-parent family with a dependent child

€42 for a single-parent family with two dependent children

€42 for a couple with a dependent child

€52‌ for a couple with two dependent children

⁤€62 for a couple⁣ with three dependent children

€72 for a couple with⁤ four dependent children

The Second‌ Wave of Payments

There will ‌be a second wave of payments for those who apply after September 25 and until October 31, 2023, and whose tax returns will be cleared after September 25. These ⁣beneficiaries will receive the payment on November 5, 2023.

Special Provisions for Flood-Affected Areas

The payment of the ⁢Market Pass will continue until the end of the year (i.e., also for the months of November-December) in​ Thessaly and other areas affected by⁣ the floods, ⁣as well as in Evros. The

What is the Market Pass program in Greece and how does it benefit citizens?

Market Pass Payments: Over 2.6 Million Citizens to Receive Financial Aid

The Greek government has started distributing financial aid to eligible citizens through the Market Pass program, with payments amounting to €277 million already released to 2.61 million beneficiaries. The first round of payments is expected to be completed by Monday, October 2, 2023. However, some beneficiaries may not receive the payment immediately due to ongoing application processing and tax return verification.

Application Processing and Tax Return Verification

The Greek Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) is cross-checking data based on the latest tax returns to ensure eligible beneficiaries receive the financial aid. If the tax return is not cleared by September 25, 2023, the Market Pass payment process will not proceed. Those who have applied after September 25 or will apply by the October 31 deadline will receive payment by November 5, 2023.

Eligibility Criteria and Payment Structure

Natural persons are entitled to aid if they meet specific criteria, including:

Singles with an annual income of up to €16,000

Married couples with an income of up to €24,000, plus €5,000 for each child

Single-parent families with an income of up to €24,000, plus €5,000 for each dependent child

Immovable property value of up to €250,000 for unmarried persons and up to €400,000 for married persons

* Annual total family income excluding cumulatively exempt income from income tax

The payment structure for the quarter (August-September-October) ranges from €66 to €300. Those who choose to receive credit to their bank account will receive 80% of the prescribed amounts, ranging from €53 to €240 for the quarter.

Second Wave of Payments and Additional Support

A “second wave” of payments is scheduled for November 5, 2023, for those who apply after September 25 and until October 31, 2023, and have their tax returns cleared after September 25, 2023.

Additionally, areas affected by recent natural disasters, such as Thessaly and Evros, will receive additional support, with the amount doubled to €44 per month for a one-person household and increasing by €20 for each additional member.

Beneficiaries and Exclusions

Approximately 280,000 households with 740,000 members are eligible for the aid, including natural persons who are single, married, widowed, or separated. Married couples or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement may have their beneficiary status determined by the person liable to submit the income tax return.

Those who are “automatically” excluded from aid include individuals with an annual income exceeding the specified limits, as well as those with immovable property exceeding the specified values.

By providing financial aid to eligible citizens



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