Mark Zakharov listened to his wife’s remarks for more than half a century, but having lost her, he did not live long

“You can’t have anything to do with the theater,” young Mark Zakharov heard when he came for a consultation at the Moscow Art Theater School. They did not want to let him even before the first test round. After the mother intervened in the matter, the future celebrity was enrolled in the acting department of GITIS. Native women generally played a huge role in the fate of Zakharov. October 13 marks the 89th anniversary of the birth of Mark Anatolyevich.

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“At the word “sewage”, I, of course, became depressed”

Galina Sergeevna Bardina – that was the name of Mark Zakharov’s mother – was a woman with a rod. When she was very angry with her son, she would certainly say: “If you do this once more, I will cross you out of the passport!” Little Mark had little idea what that meant. But he still got scared.

Galina Sergeevna studied at the drama studio with Yuri Zavadsky. She dreamed of a professional acting career. However, Mark’s father was arrested on a denunciation. He survived, but following returning from exile he had no right to be in Moscow. An indelible stain fell on the whole family.

After graduating from school, Zakharov tried to enter the construction academy. He was transparently hinted that they would not be accepted, even if Mark passed the exams in the best possible way. At the Engineering and Construction Institute. Kuibyshev, he scored not enough points.

“They were ready to take me to the faculty of sewage and water supply. But at the word “sewage,” I, of course, became discouraged, ”recalled the director.

Mark Zakharov

It was then that Mark decided to try to fulfill his mother’s dream. Returning from the audition, he told her regarding his failure. Mom took matters into her own hands. “She took up diction with me, taught me to speak in good shape,” Zakharov said.

Mark was enrolled in the first year of GITIS. At first, the guy studied carelessly. However, the same Galina Sergeevna quickly convinced her son: if you already got down to business, you need to treat him properly.

Criticism is not a reason for resentment?

Pretty and cheerful Nina Lapshinova, with whom Mark fell in love, his mother really liked. So even in terms of relations between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, Zakharov’s marriage, the only one for life, initially developed happily.

Mark Zakharov with his wife Nina Lapshinova

Nina was also an actress, and more talented than her husband. Even this did not destroy the union. The daughter of Alexander was born, whom both adored.

Mark Zakharov with his daughter Alexandra

When Mark Anatolyevich proved himself to be an excellent organizer and talented director, Nina Tikhonovna looked at her husband with different eyes. She herself refused to work under him, saying: “No need. You will be a hostage.”

She played only one tiny role with him – the wife of Father Fyodor in the film “12 Chairs”. Nina preferred to immerse herself in household chores. However, she was aware of all the productions of her husband. Criticized them mercilessly when others began to smoke incense.

Zakharov wholeheartedly believed Lapshinova, her amazing instinct. It never let Mark Anatolyevich down. Nina knew how to criticize in such a way that Mark did not take offense, but thought regarding it. As a result, they lived together for 58 years.

Mark Zakharov with his wife Nina Lapshinova

Gone in a dream

Zakharov was widowed when he was 80. Lapshinova died of cancer in 2014. “Being a Christian, one must avoid discouragement. We must get through this difficult time. Work saves, ”marked Mark Anatolyevich.

The director survived his wife by only five years. He himself died two weeks before his 86th birthday. In 2019, Zakharov was hospitalized with pneumonia. He took his medicine and fell asleep. They might not wake up Mark Anatolyevich.

Unveiling of a monument at the grave of Mark Zakharov

It was said that before the funeral of the director at the Novodevichy cemetery in Lenkom, amazing things happened. In the locked office of the master, some rustles and sounds similar to steps were heard.

Photo source: Legion-media, Vladimir Velengurin/KP, Larisa Kudryavtseva, Andrey Solovyov/ITAR-TASS and Legion-media



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