Marius Borg Høiby was questioned on Tuesday evening

Marius Borg Høiby was questioned on Tuesday evening

– Beyond this, we have no comments, writes police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli in the Oslo police district in a press release.

Høiby is charged with damage and bodily harm against a woman at Frogner in Oslo on the night of 4 August, as well as threats against the same woman.

Høiby has admitted in a statement to the press that he committed violence under the influence of cocaine that evening. When the admission came, Høiby was charged with bodily harm and damage. Last week, the charge was extended to also cover threats.

Not fully interrogated

To NTB, Høiby’s defense attorney, Øyvind Bratlien, says that his client will undergo several interrogations.

– He was questioned this afternoon, but he has not finished being questioned. We aim for new interviews when it suits all parties.

This is the first time Høiby has been questioned in the case. He was supposed to be questioned on Thursday last week, but this questioning was postponed because Bratlien was prevented from speaking.

– It has taken a long time

The offended woman’s legal aid lawyer, Mette Yvonne Larsen, says NRK that the woman thinks it is positive that the interview has been carried out.

– We are very happy that Høiby has now been questioned. We have waited a long time for that, and my client appreciates it, she says.

Three weeks have passed between the report and the first questioning of Høiby.

– Yes, it has taken a long time, but it is also due to circumstances beyond Høiby’s control, as I understand it, says Larsen to the channel.

– Has been a burden

The charge against Høiby does not currently include violence or threats against two of his ex-girlfriends, Nora Haukland and Juliane Snekkestad, who have both accused Høiby of violence and threats.

These cases are investigated by the police as possible abuse in close relationships. John Christian Elden is Nora Haukland’s assistant lawyer.

– It is positive that Borg Høiby has finally chosen to explain himself to the police, and that they are now moving forward with the investigation. What that means for the charge against him is up to the police to assess, and we await further information from them, he tells NTB.

Juliane Snekkestad’s assistance lawyer, Petter Grødem, says that he is not aware of what the questioning has been about.

– It has been a burden to wait to see how he reacts to her case, and we have been waiting for the questioning, he says to NRK.

Both Snekkestad and Haukland have been questioned by the police. The former will be questioned again on Wednesday. It will be her fourth interview with the police in the Høiby case.

#Marius #Borg #Høiby #questioned #Tuesday #evening
2024-08-27 22:50:45



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