Mario Negri: “No one is essential”

2023-06-25 12:36:13

Writing Profile Córdoba

Hoy 09:36

Mario Negri assured this Sunday that due to “a personal decision” he is not on any list of national deputies for Córdoba of Together for Change in the internal party.

“No problem. The world does not fall. It is a personal decision. I am not the owner of the truth. They offered me to be on both lists. I could have been in either one. Nobody is essential, ”he explained to Miter Cordoba.

He also pointed out that “if there is something that equalizes us all, it is being able to vote” when casting his vote in a school in the city of Córdoba.

“Vote well and quickly as well. I think it must be because of the temperature. People are going to crowd closer to noon, ”she added in statements to the Cordoba station.

“I think it will be important, I don’t know if at the levels we were used to in other times,” considered the national legislator regarding the percentage of turnout at the polls.

He also argued that “alternation does not have to be traumatic” when referring to the elections this Sunday.

Negri cast the ballot at the Juan Zorrilla de San Martín school in the city of Córdoba.

#Mario #Negri #essential

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