Mario Kart Live Home Circuit at a lower price thanks to Luigi

News bon plan Mario Kart Live Home Circuit at a lower price thanks to Luigi

Published on 01/05/2022 at 20:05

It’s a good plan on Cdiscount, if you want to discover a Nintendo Switch game in augmented reality. Mario Kart Live Home Circuit is available in the Luigi version at €58 instead of €78 for the Mario version. A good way to get this unique game if the choice of the character does not matter to you.

On Mario Kart, who will you choose?

The version in question concerns the character of Luigi, and it is cheaper than Mario’s by 20€. If the choice of your character is indifferent to you or if you prefer Luigi, this is the right plan with this alternative box in the colors of the little brother.

Buy Mario Kart Live Home Circuit Luigi at 58€ at Cdiscount

For those who do not yet know the game, it is a version of Mario Kart specially developed for the Nintendo Switch which offers play with characters from the Mario universe in virtual reality in your home. The trailers caused a sensation at the time and the tests a year ago confirmed the fun aspect of the title and the pleasure of seeing the game literally arrive in our living rooms.

In practice, a camera is on board a replica of Luigi’s kart and will allow you first of all in exploration mode to discover your living room on the screen. This has its small effect, and augmented reality characters and objects will enhance your journey.

Characters from the Mario universe are coming to your living room

This route, the game offers you to structure it yourself thanks to physical portals. You will thus have sorts of modular checkpoints which will allow you to create a unique race each time.

Obviously, physical mini kart obliges, leaving the route thus created will have no effect on your speed, but you will not be able to recover the items because they are only on the track. These items, logically, influence the real physical kart : when you pick up a mushroom, it will speed up, when you are hit by a shell, it will stop, etc.

A game that takes advantage of the space in your living room

If you have space at home, you can create circuits up to 18m long. The real limit in reality will be that of your Wifi since the Nintendo Switch will use your wireless internet connection.

Multiplayer mode allows you to play up to 4 locally, everyone must have their own kart and switch. This Luigi Kart will therefore be a good way to play with other friends who have a version of this Mario Kart Home Circuit.

So here is a fun and intergenerational way to keep busy with family or friends, and to combine the pleasure of video games, which everyone likes, with an implementation in the real world. Moreover, this Luigi version is ideal for testing the game at a lower cost since it costs €20 less than its Mario counterpart.

Buy Mario Kart Live Home Circuit Luigi at 58€ at Cdiscount

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