Marine Le Pen raises the tone against Eric Zemmour, Robert Ménard urges them to unite

« Arlette Laguiller of the national right “,” everything is permanently false with him “… Less than three months before the presidential election, the tone is rising between the two far-right candidates, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour. While the first had so far spared its rival, likely to give it votes if it reached the second round, it has intensified its criticism since the rallying to Mr. Zemmour of the former number two of the Republicans (LR) , Guillaume Peltier.

” Do’[Eric Zemmour] has the ambition to be in the second round, which I do not believe, or does it actually serve as a stepping stone to allow Valérie Pécresse to be in the second round in place of Marine Le Pen? “, asked the candidate of the National Rally (RN), Wednesday, January 12, on BFM-TV and RMC. Mr. Zemmour “Has no rebound lever” and will end the campaign under 10%, also quipped Marine Le Pen.

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It also questions the 75,000 members of the new party of the former columnist or the 9 million euros in funding claimed by the Zemmour camp. “Everything is permanently wrong with him”, she says. “We cannot aspire, as Eric Zemmour wishes, to be President of the Republic and spend our time insulting everyone permanently”RN President Jordan Bardella added Thursday to CNews.

“Routine application”

For his part, the far-right essayist taxed Mme Le Pen “D’Arlette Laguiller of the national right” with a “Routine application”, Wednesday evening on BFM-TV. While the RN candidate accuses Mme Pécresse to let elected LR sponsor Eric Zemmour to divide the extreme right, the latter replied: “Maybe Mme Le Pen is used to this kind of political trickery, and that’s not my thing. ”

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“I don’t really have any lessons to take from Mme The pen. It is all the same because of her and her calamitous debate that we had five years of Emmanuel Macron. It was already because of her, because she had refused to call to vote for Nicolas Sarkozy [lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2012], that we had François Hollande ”, added the candidate Reconquest !.

“They are so stupid! “

While the situation is tense between the two far-right contenders, the mayor of Béziers, Robert Ménard, regretted all these attacks launched once morest each other, Thursday morning on Europe 1, accusing them of being “The most suicidal right in the world.

“They are so stupid! Today, while if I am to believe the polls our right wing is in the majority on the right and represents roughly a third of the electorate, we are screwed for losing the elections because of their ego, their stables, their parties, because both have party logic “, launched Mr. Ménard. “I told them: You are berserk, you might find yourself in a situation where neither of you will be in the second round and it will be Mme Pécresse », he added.

If he announced, Friday, January 7, to have brought his sponsorship of elected to Marine Le Pen, Mr. Ménard hopes that Le Pen and M. Zemmour unite, believing that it would be “Suicidal to have two candidates for the right of the right” before the first round. “I don’t understand them”, he insisted, claiming also to try to play the role of ” bridge “ to achieve the union of the rights between Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse in the second round. “It will be necessary that the two who will not be in the second round call to vote for the one who will be in the lead, I guarantee you that it is not won”, he concluded, almost disillusioned.

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