Marinakis for Kasselakis: Instead of apologizing for the Criminal Code they voted for, they point the finger 2024-08-03 13:17:58

“Unfortunately, this now coincides with the widespread feeling of the Greek people that Justice is not the last refuge of the wronged. That is why one of the first proposals I have put forward to the Greek people is the radical change in the way the leadership of the Judiciary is selected, so that it is freed from the suffocating embrace and dependence on the respective government”, emphasizes the president of SYRIZA-PS , announcing that an official political statement from SYRIZA-PS will follow.

Marinaki’s response to Kasselakis

“Today’s post by Mr. Kasselakis is highly revealing for three separate reasons,” comments Pavlos Marinakis, commenting on the post of the president of SYRIZA, and continues to explain who they are.

Says Mr. Marinakis: “Firstly, for how hypocritically he perceives his role. As the leader of the Official Opposition party, he pretends to respect the independence of the Judiciary, as defined by our Constitution, but, as an “ordinary citizen” who spends his holidays in the streets of Mykonos, he can say something more.

Secondly, for being a genuine follower of the party of those irrevocably convicted by Justice of serious crimes. Those who ruled by undermining the institutions and Justice.

Today in Greece, there are no “para-ministries of Justice” in Maximos, as during the SYRIZA government, according to what former Minister Stavros Kontonis had cynically admitted. Judges decide as they see fit, based on their independent role.

Thirdly, because it expresses, in the most representative way, the audacity that has always characterized SYRIZA. Instead of apologizing for the Criminal Code that they voted for “night”, shortly before they left power and which seems to be applied in a number of court cases, they also point the finger.”

“Today, with the decision to archive the EYP-Predator scandal, my trust in the Greek judiciary has been seriously shaken”, said Stefanos Kasselakis in a post on social media, noting that he is speaking as a Greek citizen and not as the leader of the official opposition.

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#Marinakis #Kasselakis #apologizing #Criminal #Code #voted #point #finger



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