Marinakis: Enhancing Employee Rights and Overtime Clarity with the Digital Work Card

As he underlined, answering a question about whether there are problems on the issue, our country “has taken all the necessary regulatory measures to ensure it”. At the same time, he called the debate opened for the upcoming election of the President of the Republic “premature and insulting to the institution”.

During the briefing of the political editors, Mr. Marinakis was asked about it and replied that it is an “early discussion that will be opened when necessary from 2025 onwards. We are discussing very early on an issue that is several months later.” In another question, Mr. Marinakis stated that there is no possibility of changing the electoral law.

Regarding the merger of school departments, Mr. Marinakis mentioned that the schools start with an additional 10,000 teachers and this is the government that has made the most appointments.

1000 are merged, that is 1.6% of the departments and the ratio of students is 16 from 17 in the kindergarten, in the elementary school it remains the same, in the middle school also the same at 21 and in the high school from 21 to 19, while the benefit is multiple and the educational process will become more substantial, he said.

The teacher student ratio in Greece is 8.2 students per teacher. In Europe it is 12.1 and we are in the first 5 countries with the best ratio of students to teachers, the government representative emphasized, adding: “Starting the briefing of the political editors, Mr. Marinakis emphasized: “Specific and immediate solutions for both merit-based and rapid staffing of the State together with the new system of incentives and rewards for its human resources as well as for the improvement of the operation of the local government which is the first line of contact of the state with the citizens, include the provisions of the two legislative interventions of the Ministry of the Interior that have been put in public consultation”.

He referred to specific provisions from the two bills. “With the establishment of the uniform reward system for public servants, the motivation of the permanent staff to achieve specified goals is sought, as well as their reward for this achievement. The provisions of the second draft law focus on improving the operation of municipalities, with the main interventions concerning the possibility of settling debts to the municipalities and their legal entities with payment in up to 60 installments for debts confirmed until August 31, 2024”, he said and referred to separate provision specifically for vulnerable debtors.

He added that with the provisions brought by the Ministry of the Interior, the institutional framework for the operation of land border stations is updated and the relevant decentralized administrations of the country are defined as responsible for the systems of upgrading maintenance, expansion, operation and construction of the stations.

Continuing, he pointed out that an increase in declared overtime is observed with the application of the digital work card based on the data of the ERGANI information system. In the first seven months of 2024, recorded overtime hours reached 1.53 million, marking an increase compared to the corresponding seven months of previous years. Supermarkets are a typical example of the increase in declared overtime by sector, where from the start of the measure’s implementation until the end of 2023 a cumulative increase of 61.2% was observed.

“The digital work card ensures the rights of workers as it monitors real working time and combats abusive policies of undeclared overtime and illegal changes and excesses of working time,” he underlined.

He then referred to the controls that were carried out following citizen complaints on 630 beaches in the country within 60 days, stressing that these are the most extensive controls that have ever been carried out in such a short period of time on Greek beaches, to which the mycoast application and the use of drones contributed . “We promised that legality would prevail on the beaches and this was done in the vast majority of them,” he said characteristically.

“From today, the distribution of 67,652 unused vouchers for the programs of social thermal tourism, excursions and theater, which are valid until May 30, 2025, and are addressed to the beneficiaries of the rural home organization, i.e. farmers and their families, programs that we implement from Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family through OPECA”, he pointed out, stating that the total number of beneficiaries exceeds 125,000 and the budget of all programs amounts to 15 million euros.

The next topic that was mentioned was the reductions in the toll price of up to 3 euros for car users, which are planned to be implemented from October 1, 2024 until December 31, 2025 as a result of the utilization of the amount of 15.8 million euro which corresponds to the benefit of the State from the refinancing of the Malliakos – Kliidi highway project.

He then spoke about the works being carried out in school complexes in New and Old Penteli with the aim of restoring damages caused by the fire. The goal of the interventions, whose budget amounts to 500,000 euros, is for schools to function normally on September 11.

Mitsotakis in Thessaloniki on Friday

“On Friday, September 6, the prime minister will travel to Thessaloniki for the opening of the 88th TIF, on Saturday (7/9) he will deliver his opening speech at the Vellideo Conference Center at 7:30 pm, while on Sunday (8/9) he will give the regular press conference at 12.00 noon,” he said concluding his introductory positioning.

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