Marinakis against Kasselakis for Nikos Pappas: In a normal party, his deletion would be self-evident

With an announcement by the representative, Pavlos Marinakis, the government continues the confrontation with the central figure of the MEP of SYRIZA, Nikos Pappa, after the reaction of the ELAS Officers’ Union, which leaves him for abusive characterizations against officers.

The government representative, in his announcement on Sunday morning, attacks the president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, noting characteristically that “the lascivious Mr. Kasselakis, who, especially these days, has broken every record of posts, photos and videos, did not spend even a few minutes to apologize at least to the tens of thousands of police officers and their families for the vulgar and threatening behavior of MEP Nikos Pappas”.

Then, he points out that “in a normal party, his deletion would be self-evident. Such attitudes have no place in our Republic and we must send them to the sidelines with actions.”

The entire announcement by Pavlos Marinakis:

“The lascivious Mr. Kasselakis, who, especially these days, has broken every record of postings, photos and videos, did not even take a few minutes to apologize to the tens of thousands of police officers and their families for the vulgar and threatening behavior of the MEP of Nikos Pappas.

In a normal party its deletion would be self-evident. Such attitudes have no place in our Republic and we must send them to the sidelines with actions.

It is unthinkable at a time when the state, citizens, armed forces and security forces, we are all fighting the most difficult battle against the effects of the climate crisis, that an acting representative of our country in the European Parliament threatens and curses police officers in such a vulgar way that in very difficult conditions they exaggerate themselves to be safe.

Mr. Kasselakis, not many words are needed in such cases, only the self-evident expulsion decision. We await your response.”

The timeline of the case

It all started with the attack against the SYRIZA MEP launched by the Union of Greek Police Officers, accusing him of using derogatory and racist characterizations against police officers.

As they say, “any derogatory description of police officers does not touch us . On the contrary, perhaps, it proves that we are doing our job well, since the small minority of obsessives continues to abuse us. The absurdity is that the abuser, MEP Mr. Nikos PAPPAS, had to represent the people, due to his position and capacity, and not to express himself with abusive, racist and derogatory characterizations of the fighting policemen”.

Full announcement:

“Dear colleagues, through their posts on social media, some continue to have inexplicably repressed and racist stereotypes about police officers. Their abysmal hatred of police officers manifests itself at every opportunity. In this way they think they are being liked, by whom?

Any derogatory description of police officers does not touch us. On the contrary, perhaps, it proves that we are doing our job well, since the small minority of obsessives continues to abuse us. The absurdity is that the abuser, MEP Mr. Nikos PAPPAS, had to represent the people, due to his position and capacity, and not express himself with abusive, racist and derogatory characterizations of the fighting policemen.

Dear colleagues, we continue our work and fulfill our duty.. The reward comes from our fellow citizens themselves, who are by their side every day to provide them with our help. We do not categorize our fellow man into groups by any criteria. We defend and protect our homeland, our borders, our history. We obey the Constitution and State Laws. These authorities are represented by the Greek Police and we serve them as Greek Police.

Good strength in our work to provide our fellow citizens with the precious commodity of security.

For the Board of Directors

The President.

G. Secretary
Evangelos Manzioros”

Attack by the New Republic

Afterwards, Nea Dimokratia issued a statement about the SYRIZA MEP, Nikos Pappa, which, referring to the statement by ELAS officers, emphasized that “it is more than obvious that the Official Opposition party is dominated exclusively by polarization. We are unable even to reproduce both the images and the sounds that were released on the internet”.

“It is unthinkable that one of our country’s representatives in the European Parliament behaves like the worst thug and unleashes one threat after another,” they noted.

The announcement of the New Democracy Press Office in detail

The gross and creepy behavior of Mr. Pappas is a brutal insult to our thousands of police officers, who with self-sacrifice, consistency, humanity and responsibility perform the duty of protecting our fellow citizens. It is unthinkable that one of our country’s representatives in the European Parliament behaves like the worst thug and unleashes one threat after another.

This time we expect Mr. Kasselakis to do the obvious and dismiss Mr. Pappa. Let’s hope we don’t see another “half deletion”, like in the case of Polakis”.

The answer of the MEP

After the reactions, Nikos Pappas himself responded to New Democracy’s announcement.

Specifically, in the story published on Instagram, Nikos Pappas accuses the government of showing immediate reflexes to comment on him but not to deal with the fires. “I wonder if it would have been better if he had the same mediation last week when almost half of Attica was burning,” he says, adding that he respects and recognizes the security forces.

Nikos Pappa’s statement in detail:

“Good evening, seeing the government of the calamity have such immediate reflexes in an attempt of petty political confrontation and change of agenda of course from the fires and making a statement against me, I wonder if it would have been better if it had the same mediation last week which almost burns half Attica.

“Anyway, from then on I always respect and recognize the security bodies, they themselves know it in private conversations we have had. But I do not accept from any far-right troll, any fascist, from anyone, to belittle me, insult me ​​and threaten me and my family.

“I always answer in the same style, it does not negate the position of MEP that I have, my values ​​and my personality, and it would be good to deal with more serious issues there in Maximos, people are burning, dying, living on the street and, you are flying kite again”.

#Marinakis #Kasselakis #Nikos #Pappas #normal #party #deletion #selfevident



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