Marinakis: 6 truths about the mental health bill – “It is a very serious matter, no fake news” 2024-07-29 09:45:14

He responds to the objections of the opposition by emphasizing that psychiatric hospitals are not abolished, the bill does not bring layoffs, it is fake news that addiction treatment agencies are being locked up. He also emphasizes that the bill strengthens the public provision of services to deal with addictions, strengthens prevention and supports organizational changes with technology as an ally.

The following is the post of the Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister and government representative Pavlos Marinakis

In every reform bill promoted by the government, the opposition will find something to say, not to improve some parameter, but to spread fake news. Last example, the bill that was voted on principle by the competent committee of the parliament last Friday, for the completion of the psychiatric reform.

Let’s find out what the truth is and explain why with this plan we are improving the quality of service for beneficiaries, carers and their families.

1st Truth: Psychiatric Hospitals are not being abolished.

Psychiatric Hospitals are not abolished. They are transformed by acquiring a new legal form, further strengthened and evolved into Integrated Community Networks of Mental Health Services.

The seven Regional Networks of Mental Health Services come under the administrative “umbrella” of the respective Health Regions of the country, WITH A UNIFORM MEDICAL AND NURSING DIRECTORATE.

Specifically, the P.N.A. “DAFNI” and the “Thessaloniki Psychiatric Hospital” of Eniaio G.N. Thessaloniki “G. PAPANIKOLAOU” are transferred to the relevant Directorates of Health Services (D.Y.Pe.) as their decentralized units, they are interconnected with the structures providing these Mental Health Services and continue their smooth operation.

In this way we will strengthen the accessibility to the necessary and FREE services for all citizens, regardless of their economic and social situation and we will ensure the maximum possible therapeutic effect.

2nd Truth: The bill DOES NOT BRING LAYOFFS.

Instead, it secures ALL positions as well as the work status of each professional.

Each and every one of those already employed will transfer their organizational positions to the new entity.

The transfer will be made with the existing employment relationship, the branch and the corresponding specialty.

The acquisition of the Mental Health Nursing Specialty is even introduced as a work incentive.

The staff of the organizations that are part of the E.O.P.A.E. continues to work.

The objectives of the single body are:

The best utilization of human and financial resources

To put an end to overlapping services

3rd Truth: The locks on addiction treatment agencies are fake news.

O.KA.NA., KETHEA, 18ANO, IANOS, ARGO, “DIAPLOUS”, DETOX IOANNINON continue their normal operation without closing any structure or any service.

They will be interconnected, so that the course of the dependent person is monitored with the aim of keeping them within the health system and not being “lost”.

4th Truth: The bill strengthens the public provision of services to deal with addictions.

The new unified organization is a Private Law Legal Entity of the wider public sector, just as KETHEA and O.K.A.NA are. The N.P.I.D. they are bodies of the General Government and are financed by the Greek State (above 50%) having a public character and are supervised by the competent Ministry.

5th Truth: Prevention is strengthened.

Prevention Centers continue to operate as normal.

There will be structures for prevention, harm reduction, treatment and social reintegration in every city of Greece ensuring the right of access for all.

A Prevention Directorate is created for the first time to coordinate all services.

Detox structures are established within hospitals in most regions of Greece, providing access to all beneficiaries.

6th Truth: We support organizational changes with technology as an ally!

The first digital step is the Integrated Information System for Epidemiological Monitoring and Therapeutic Management.

With its operation there will be for the FIRST TIME:

Real-time control of the work of the National Grid operators and

Providing information on the availability and fullness of services, available beds as well as appointments in all structures.

What does this offer?

Complete and targeted coverage of the needs of the beneficiaries.

But also:

The “picture” with the necessary epidemiological data for the mental health of the population.

However, the digital possibilities will change… “track” with the National Network of Telepsychiatry – Teleconsultation, which will provide:

medical and mental support,

as well as


All of the above will be supervised by the deputy commander of the health district. His upgraded role will include the organization, supervision and operation of services.

Simply put, the bill includes the required organizational changes to improve mental health services, changes that should have been made years ago. Health, in all its forms, is an absolute priority this four-year period for the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. It is yet another government reform, aimed at improving services to the citizen.

And because mental health is a very serious matter, fake news and irresponsible opposition crowns do not fit here.

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