Mariano Hamilton spoke about the complaints against Roberto Pettinato: “I saw episodes”

After Fernanda Iglesias relived yesterday the abuses he suffered from Roberto Pettinatodifferent women and colleagues, came out to endorse the journalist’s words and tell their own experiences.

To the cataract of complaints was added the testimony of Mariano Hamilton who, consulted by Socios del Espectáculo, told what he experienced during the year he worked with Pettinato.

You may be interested: “Fernanda Iglesias recalled the harassment she suffered from Roberto Pettinato: “I was never his girlfriend, he harassed me”

The first thing he wanted to highlight was the word of his partner Emilia Claudevillewho denounced the constant abuse he received from the driver: “I was with Pettinato on Nine for a year, and the time I was with him there were a couple of episodes with Emilia Claudeville,” he expressed.

“I intervened a couple of times, talking to Emilia, and told her: ‘If you want, I’ll take it to the pineapples in the dressing room.'”he recalled while endorsing the statements of the model who claimed that Roberto forced himself into the dressing room.

“Emilia was a victim of the situation. I was a witness and we talked regarding the situation several times”he pointed out.

When asked by the reporter regarding whether the model filed the criminal complaint, Hamilton responded: “She made subsequent complaints, at the time I don’t think so. At the time she was overwhelmed by the situation.”

Then he added: “I can talk regarding what I saw, and what I saw was that, I saw a woman violated by Roberto Pettinato. I spoke with Emilia, I offered to help her and she told me that she was going to solve it with the production.” , complete.

Hamilton’s word joins countless women in entertainment who said they were abused and violated by Roberto Pettinato and recalled how difficult and complex it was to work with the driver, who to this day has not spoken out regarding the complaints.



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