Maria Syregela’s article in ET: 50 years of freedom 2024-07-26 07:50:57

The task of restoring the Republic was not easy. Konstantinos Karamanlis was asked to face a difficult situation, which, however, he faced “with prestige, responsibility and indisputable success”, as Konstantinos Mitsotakis once said. The colonels seized power in a coup d’état in 1967 and had trampled on every form of freedom.

Repression, censorship and political oppression were the triad that characterized the junta of colonels, with popular anger building year by year. The countdown to the collapse of the regime began with the Polytechnic uprising in November 1973 and culminated in July 1974 with the Turkish invasion of Cyprus – a wound which, unfortunately, still remains open.

In this tense climate, the need for democratic governance was imperative and then the political world of the country turned to the so-called “Karamanli solution”. Constantinos Karamanlis, exactly half a century ago, in July 1974, was sworn in as prime minister and assumed the responsibility of governing the country, under conditions that were critical for him, but also for the whole of Hellenism, as he characteristically mentioned in his historic speech to the Greek people .

1974 is a landmark year for our Republic, as a series of important actions were taken in the context of this, for the restoration of democratic institutions. For example: in July of that year, the National Unity government was formed and the political prisoners were released. In August, the 1952 Constitution came into force temporarily and a constitutional act was issued to restore democratic legitimacy.

In September of the same year, a constitutional decree was issued regarding the establishment and re-operation of political parties and the right of association was restored. Parliamentary elections were announced in October, in November New Democracy became the first party with 220 seats and the following month, in December 1974, the referendum on the state was held, with 69.2% of the citizens choosing the de-reigned democracy. And this is how we were led to the most democratic text of the time, in the entire Western world, the Constitution of 1975.

All these great and decisive events for the restoration of Democracy in Greece took place exactly 50 years ago and bear the strong political stamp of Konstantinos Karamanlis. Democratic institutions were strengthened, the stability of the political system was restored and the foundations were laid for the economic and social modernization of Greece.

Throughout this modernization process of the country, the New Republic, which is also celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, was the party that played a decisive role in stabilizing the political situation, for the country to face the challenges of that period and to be led, at the same time, into a new democratic era. From the restoration of the Republic, the most important moment in our modern history, until today 50 years later, New Democracy remains the protagonist of developments and is identified in the consciousness of Greek men and women with democracy, freedom and progress.

This year’s 50th anniversary of the restoration of the Republic reminds us, more strongly than ever, that the Republic requires constant vigilance from all citizens, as it is not a state that should be taken for granted. In a constantly changing world like the one we live in, with constant political, economic, social and geopolitical challenges, it needs protection, continuous care and active participation of citizens. Because, as Konstantinos Karamanlis had said, “few understand Democracy and even fewer have the will and ability to implement it. All peoples would like to have democracy. But it is only available to those who, in addition to realizing its advantages, also respect the conditions of its operation”.

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#Maria #Syregelas #article #years #freedom



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