Maria Rosaria Omaggio is dead. The star of the film about Lech Wałęsa was 67 years old

Maria Rosaria Omaggio has died. “You left us. You started a new journey towards spirituality, which you loved so much. You were a loving, instructive, present friend” – with these words devoted fans say goodbye to the great star. After her death, the web was enveloped in sadness and regret. She gained recognition in many countries, while she won the hearts of Poles with her role in the film regarding Lech Wałęsa.

Maria Rosaria Omaggio is dead

There is no way to prepare for the death of people close to us, or even those we have watched for years on the small and big screen. This is clearly demonstrated by the information regarding the sudden passing of a wonderful actress, which has just made the rounds in the media. Maria Rosaria Omaggio was a valued and extremely talented artist, who gained popularity and recognition in Poland thanks to her role as Oriana Fallaci in Andrzej Wajda’s production “Wałęsa. Man of Hope”.

Interestingly, for her participation in the production telling the story of Lech Wałęsa, Maria Rosaria received the Francesco Pasinetti Award in Venice in 2013. In addition, she might boast a considerable artistic achievement – she played in many films and series, wrote books, and directed theater plays.

Not like Maria Rosaria Omaggio Mark Cape/EAST NEWS

Maria Rosaria Omaggio has been steadily developing her career for years, and has also been a UN Goodwill Ambassador for Children. She enjoyed great recognition, as evidenced by the sorrowful posts left by her fans.

Dear Maria Rosario. You left us. You started your new journey towards spirituality that you loved so much. You were a loving, instructive, present friend.

I am very sorry. You were an actress and a woman of great class and sensitivity

A great actress, a great person. Italian cinema will miss her

I am so sorry. One of the few talented actresses, with a long career behind her, who had the humility to talk to people on social media… fly and shine there too

Maria Rosaria Omaggio passed away at the age of 67 and the exact cause of death is unknown at this time.

see also

See also: New information following the death of Grzegorz Bloch. “Death occurred following a long stay in hospital”



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