María del Carmen Alva and Aníbal Torres begin an apparent truce before the vote of confidence | POLITICS

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The Executive and Congress took the first step yesterday to start an apparent truce, following the Prime Minister on Monday accused a sector of the opposition of planning “a coup” once morest the president .

In a statement together with representatives of different groups, the head of Parliament, María del Carmen Alva, rejected these expressions and considered that the time has come to “give the country a break”.

SIGHT: Pedro Castillo: approval of the president falls from 33% to 25% in just one month

Alva urged Torres to rise to the “national needs instead of inventing plots” and provide measures to attack the problems that affect citizens, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and insecurity.

“We need them to govern. We will always be committed to building a better Peru”, added the representative of Acción Popular.

The crisis between the Government and Parliament deepened following the weekly “Hildebrandt en sus trece” reported that Alva and other opposition congressmen – including Hernando Guerra García (Popular Force) and Jorge Montoya (Popular Renovation) – met on February 9 in a hotel in Miraflores, where they would have analyzed mechanisms for Castillo’s vacancy.

The president of the Congress denied this complaint, maintaining that they attended a seminar organized by the Friedrich Neumann foundation. “[Esta actividad] It was in my agenda, that same day a photo was published. Talking regarding a plot is really beside the point, it has been a temporary meeting to talk regarding history issues, ”she said.

President of the Congress offers a conference

Alva informed that the presentation of the Torres Cabinet, where he will request the vote of confidence, will be on March 8, on International Women’s Day. “You have more than twenty days to reflect, convene, reconcile, propose and see what we do together for Peru,” she stressed.

The Popular Action congresswoman also affirmed that only with “dialogue” and “agreement”, leaving “attacks” aside, will it be possible to overcome the current political crisis. “From the first day we have said that we want consensus, governability. We have given the vote of confidence to two cabinets. In seven months, knowing [que] there were ministers who were not suitable, we have censored only one, “he said.

In his turn, Montoya indicated that there is availability for dialogue on the part of the opposition. “We have to give ourselves a period of truce to be able to form a minimum common agenda that allows us to move forward. If we do not find these points of agreement, the future of the country will not be adequate”, he remarked.

no conflicts

The response from the head of the Ministerial Cabinet came two and a half hours later. Torres said that he agrees with Alva’s position in the sense that the powers of the State – especially the Executive and Congress – must “work in consensus”.

“We cannot continue with these conflicts. For my part, I offer to the President of the Congress and to all the congressmen my apologies for the expressions that she has manifested in the heat of this contest. [Es momento] to find consensus to guide our country towards the well-being of all Peruvians,” he said.

When asked if Betssy Chávez, Minister of Labor and congresswoman, will withdraw the constitutional complaint once morest Alva and other parliamentarians, to whom she attributes six infractions to the Magna Carta and the alleged crimes of criminal organization and conspiracy, she replied that she is a reasonable person and who will surely agree “to put an end to these conflicts”.

Aníbal Torres: “To all the congressmen, my apologies for the expressions that I have expressed”

in the officialdom

Waldemar Cerrón, spokesman for Peru Libre, accompanied Alva in his statement. The parliamentarian, who had signed a motion to censure the populist activist, asked Congress and the Executive to “depose all kinds of violent fragmentation and initiate dialogue.”

Congresswoman Silvana Robles, from Peru Libre, said that if her caucus withdraws the motion of censure once morest the Board of Directors, it will be a sign of “weakness and inconsistency.” “With the coup you can’t negotiate,” she wrote on the social network Twitter.


What are the new requirements that deputy ministers and other officials must meet?
The Government enacted a law with these requirements, which gives officials 30 days to adapt to them or otherwise they will be prevented from continuing to hold their positions.



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