Maria Corina Machado: “Venezuela will prevail, we will be free”

  • The opposition leader spoke at the Heroes of Democracy event, in the context of the UN General Assembly

Opposition leaders Edmundo González and María Corina Machado participated on September 23 in the panel Heroes of Democracy, on the democratic struggle in Venezuela. The event took place in New York City, United States, as part of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

In a video call from hiding in Caracas, Machado honored all the opponents imprisoned and persecuted by the government of Nicolás Maduro. She said that González was the winner of the presidential elections of July 28, so the response of the ruling party has been to intensify the repression as evidenced by the report of the UN Mission on Venezuela.

He stressed that this persecution was not only focused on the opposition leadership, but also against millions of Venezuelan citizens who worked on the campaign or took to the streets to protest after the results. He noted that thousands of them are currently in prison or in exile, but that this situation has only further united the democratic forces in their struggle.

“We have a united leadership, not only from Edmundo and myself, but from thousands of leaders around the world and from political parties in Venezuela. Venezuela will prevail, we will be free and our children will return home,” he said.

Open to negotiate

Photo: courtesy

During his speech, Machado confirmed that Edmundo González’s command remains open to negotiating a peaceful political transition with the Maduro government. He noted that eventually it will be necessary for the ruling party to resort to a process of dialogue, since its system of repression and international isolation will be unsustainable.

He said that in order to get Maduro to agree to negotiate, it is necessary to increase the cost of his remaining in power until it is greater than the cost of his leaving. To do so, he considered that all pressure actions must continue inside and outside Venezuela. He asserted that internally, the government has currently lost a large amount of support, and is currently only maintained by the support of the High Military Command and its organs of repression.

“They will not have financial stability, not even in the medium term, and the cost of systematic repression is too much to sustain. We are moving in the right direction, we know who our allies are and our strategy,” he said.

It will not be in vain

The Public Prosecutor's Office requested an arrest warrant against Edmundo González
Photo: EFE

The closing remarks of the forum were made by opposition leader Edmundo González, recently recognized by the European Parliament as the winner of the Venezuelan presidential elections. He considered the elections to be a “heroic feat” by organized citizens, in which they managed to triumph despite adverse conditions and the fact that millions of young people and Venezuelans abroad were denied the right to vote. “The dictatorship, however, refuses to accept its defeat. Instead of acting in accordance with the Constitution and facilitating a peaceful transition, it is instead dedicated to unleashing political persecution,” he said.

She reported that since July 28, more than 2,400 arbitrary arrests have been recorded in the country, including electoral witnesses, leaders of regional campaign commands, militants of political parties, activists and journalists. She also reported that at the time there were more than 200 women and 150 minors arrested, many of whom were subjected to forced disappearances, torture and inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment. For this reason, she noted that it is important that the mandate of the UN Mission in Venezuela be renewed.

“It is clear that none of these actions can erase the fundamental political fact that meant the defeat of the dictatorship. This fact invalidates any excuse that Nicolás Maduro may present to perpetuate himself in power. The Venezuelan people spoke with total clarity and our political prisoners are true heroes of democracy, and as such we must honor them. Their sacrifice, as well as that of millions of Venezuelans, will not be in vain,” he concluded.

The panel

Maria Corina Machado: “Venezuela will prevail, we will be free and our children will return home”
Eugenia Olavarría, daughter of Magalli Meda; Santiago Rocha, son of Perkins Rocha; and Ana Corina Sosa, daughter of Maria Corina Machado. Photo: courtesy

The Heroes of Democracy forum was moderated by the political leaders in exile Miguel Pizarro and David Smolansky. It also featured the participation of the children of various activists who have been victims of political persecution. Specifically, Eugenia Olavarría, daughter of Magalli Meda, who is currently in asylum at the Argentine Embassy in Caracas; Santiago Rocha, son of the political prisoner Perkins Rocha; and Ana Corina Sosa, daughter of María Corina Machado.

Also present were María Elena Ponte de Villalobos and María Elena Villalobos, wife and daughter of Humberto Villalobos, also seeking asylum at the embassy.

Diplomatic representatives from various governments also attended to reaffirm their support for the Venezuelan cause and to advocate for the release of political prisoners. Speakers included the Under Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, Brian Nichols; and the Uruguayan ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Washington Abdala, among others.

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2024-09-24 02:30:22



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