Maria Corina Machado asked the international community to hold Maduro accountable for the repression in Venezuela

  • The opposition leader said that consolidating a democratic transition will be what stops the mass migration of Venezuelans | Photo: The Diary

On Saturday, August 24, María Corina Machado called on the international community to hold Nicolás Maduro responsible for “the repression unleashed” in Venezuela, especially after the July 28 elections and the results announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) that generated doubts and discontent among citizens.

In the red social XMachado reiterated that the standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González, “is the president-elect,” despite the fact that the CNE proclaimed Maduro the winner, which was ratified by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), both institutions controlled by people close to the government.

In this regard, the former deputy said that the international community must recognize González’s “victory” and “hold Maduro and his criminal regime responsible for the repression unleashed.”

According to official figures, more than 2,400 people have been arrested since July 29, some in protests and others in police operations, while 25 people have died in post-election violence.

Photo. EFE

Consolidating a transition

Maria Corina Machado He reiterated in his X message that consolidating the democratic transition in the country is the only way to stop Venezuelan migration and for those who are abroad to return home.

On Monday, August 19, González Urrutia urged Maduro to “step aside and take the step now to begin a peaceful transition,” for which the opposition leader said he was willing to engage in political dialogue.

In his opinion, every day that the authorities “hinder the democratic transition, Venezuelans suffer a country in crisis and without freedom,” which is why he reiterated that “clinging to power only exacerbates the suffering” of citizens.

The former ambassador said that “the people are tired of so much abuse and corruption,” and accused Maduro of being “responsible for so much poverty and pain.”

Twenty-seven days after the elections, the CNE has still not published the disaggregated results, as required by law, despite numerous calls within and outside the country for the release of this data.

With information from EFE

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#Maria #Corina #Machado #asked #international #community #hold #Maduro #accountable #repression #Venezuela
2024-08-24 22:55:07



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