Maria Corina Machado and others react

CARACAS.- For the third consecutive day, the controversy over the results of the elections in Venezuelawhose electoral body gave victory to Nicolas Madurowho would repeat in office for another six years.

What is happening in Venezuela?

After the National Electoral Council (CNE) officially proclaimed Maduro as re-elected president, with 80% of the counting completed and without making the vote count public, citizens took to the streets to protest.

For its part, the Venezuelan opposition stated that it has in its possession 84% of the voting center records, in which a majority of votes were recorded in favor of its candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez.

On the third day of crisis in Venezuela due to the controversial result of its election day, more organizations, leaders and even businessmen such as Elon Musk and the mexican Ricardo Salinas Pliego have expressed their position on what happened.

Even allies of the Nicolás Maduro government such as Gustavo Petropresident of Colombiay Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvapresident of Brazilhave questioned the lack of transparency of the Venezuelan elections.

Bishops call for respect for Venezuelans’ vote

This Wednesday, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference He made his position in response to citizen protests, ignoring Maduro’s supposed victory as well as the president’s response by deploying police and military elements in various parts of the nation.

“We reiterate our call to bring to light the popular will expressed at the polls,” the Venezuelan bishops said.

“This is not only a requirement of Venezuelan law, but also an ethical one. Only in this way will the truth of the facts prevail over any possible manipulation of them, and peace and trust will reign among all Venezuelans.”

He stressed that “the concern and unrest generated among citizens has been expressed, among other things, in various demonstrations,” which, he stressed, are a right contemplated in the Constitution and have had the participation of numerous citizens.

“Unfortunately, some of these demonstrations have been overshadowed by violent events that have resulted in the deaths of some people, numerous injuries and arrests, and the destruction of material property.”

The bishops therefore call on the State, and in particular on the police and military forces, “to fulfil their mission of guaranteeing public order, in accordance with the law, avoiding any possible abuse.”

They also called on political actors to abandon disqualifications and confrontations, and instead seek dialogue and citizen encounter.

New statements from Maria Corina Machado

After leading a demonstration with thousands of citizens in front of the headquarters of the United Nations Organization (TEN) the most Caracas, Maria Corina Machadoleader of the Venezuelan opposition, denounced the regime’s violent response to the protests.

“I warn the world about the cruel and repressive escalation of the regime, which to date has seen more than 177 arbitrary arrests, 11 forced disappearances and at least 16 murders in the last 48 hours,” he wrote on social media.

“That is Maduro’s criminal response to the Venezuelan people who took to the streets as a family, as a community, to defend their sovereign decision to be free.”

“Venezuela and the entire world know that violence is the Maduro regime’s last resort,” said the opposition leader.

In his statements, he expressed his solidarity with the families of those killed, persecuted and injured “for defending the electoral victory of July 28” and said he was “convinced that we will consolidate the victory we have obtained.”

The Attorney General of Venezuela confirmed yesterday Tuesday that 749 people were arrested during the protests, while the local humanitarian organization Criminal Forum reported 11 deaths and 177 arrests.

WE RECOMMEND YOU READ: Maduro files an appeal to defend his reelection; asks for expert opinion and questioning of opponents

International pressure against Maduro

Since Sunday night, election day in Venezuela, countries with right-wing and even left-wing governments have joined in the protests over the lack of transparency of the Venezuelan authorities.

The main complaints are from Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic and the European Union, causing Maduro to announce the suspension of diplomatic relations with several Latin American nations.

Today, even allies of the regime such as Gustavo Petro called for a “transparent scrutiny” of the elections.

“The serious doubts that are being established around the Venezuelan electoral process can lead its people to a deep violent polarization with serious consequences of permanent division of a nation that has known how to unite many times in its history,” he said. Twitter.

Also this Wednesday the members of G7 They expressed their solidarity with the people of Venezuela “who peacefully exercised their right to vote in large numbers on July 28 to shape the future of their country.”

In their statement, they highlighted that reports from independent national and international observers have raised serious concerns about the announced results of Venezuela’s presidential elections.

They also expressed concerns about the way the electoral process was carried out, especially regarding irregularities and lack of transparency in the final vote count.

The G7 foreign ministers urged the Venezuelan authorities to publish the detailed election results “immediately” “with complete transparency.”

“It is of utmost importance that the result reflects the will of the Venezuelan people,” they said.

We remember that the G7 is made up of United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan e Italia.

Members of Organization of American States (OAS) also raised their voices against the election result. Its president, Luis Almagrourged Maduro to acknowledge his defeat or call for a new, more transparent vote.

Today, the OAS announced that at the request of its members, they would address the issue of the crisis in Venezuela.

In addition, businessmen such as Elon Musk and Ricardo Salinas Pliego expressed their rejection of the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: AMLO demands that the OAS not “stick its nose” in Venezuela’s election

#Maria #Corina #Machado #react
2024-08-11 19:44:17



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