Maria Branyas, the oldest person in the world according to Guinness World Records, dies at 117

Relatives added in the message that “a few days ago he told us: one day I will leave here. I will not taste coffee again, nor eat yogurt (…) And I will cease to exist in this body. A day that I do not know, but that It’s very close, this long journey will be over“.

“We will always remember her for her advice and her kindness,” her family concluded.

In the same account, Branyas anticipated on August 19 that he saw the moment of death approaching.

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“I feel weak. The time is approaching. Don’t cry, I don’t like tears. And above all, don’t grieve for me. Wherever I go, I will be happy,” said the woman.

The president of the Catalan regional government, Salvador Illa, He regretted the death of “the grandmother of Catalonia”.

“María Branyas, the grandmother of Catalonia and the oldest person in the world, has left us. We have lost a beloved woman who has taught us the value of life and the wisdom of the years,” Illa wrote on the social network. X.

The US Gerontology Research Group says that Branyas was the oldest person in the worldand the Guinness Book of Records confirms it.

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She replaced Frenchwoman Lucile Randon at the top, who died at the age of 118 in January 2023.

After Branyas’ death, The oldest person is Japanese Tomiko Itookawho was born on May 23, 1908 and is 116 years old, according to the Gerontology Research Group of the United States.

“He never went to the hospital”

Branyas survived the 1918 flu pandemic (also called the Spanish flu), two world warsthe Spanish Civil War and Covid, the latter of which he contracted shortly after turning 113 in 2020, and from which he fully recovered within a few days.

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The woman had been living in the Santa Maria del Tura nursing home in the Catalan town of Olot in northeastern Spain for more than 20 years.

Branyas Born in San Francisco on March 4, 1907, shortly after his Catalan family moved to the United States from Mexico.

The family decided to return to their native Spain in 1915, in the midst of World War I, which complicated the journey by boat across the Atlantic Ocean.

The journey was also marked by tragedy: his father died of tuberculosis At the end of the journey, her coffin was thrown into the sea. Branyas and her mother settled in Barcelona. In 1931, five years before the start of the Civil War (1936-39), she married a doctor.

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The couple lived together for four decades, until her husband died at the age of 72. They had three children, one of whom is now deceased, also He has eleven grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren..

Her youngest daughter, Rosa Moret, now in her eighties, once explained that her mother “He never went to the hospital and never had a fracture”in statements to Catalan regional television.

A team from the University of Barcelona studied their DNA to try to determine the causes of their longevityIn an interview published in October 2023 by the Spanish newspaper ABC, one of the investigators, Manel Esteller, was surprised by the woman’s good condition.

He has a completely lucid head. He remembers episodes from when he was only four years old with impressive clarity, and he does not suffer from any cardiovascular disease, which is common in older people. The only thing he has are mobility and hearing problems. It is incredible,” explained this professor of Genetics.

The oldest authenticated person was the French Jeanne Calment, who lived 122 years and 164 days, and who died in 1997.

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