María Agüero: The congresswoman’s trusted employee received transfers of more than S/ 27 thousand

According to “Punto Final,” the funds from salary deductions of its employees ended up in the account of its parliamentary coordinator in Arequipa, Edson Flores. The legislator has yet to provide any explanation regarding this matter.

Edson Flores Valencia, María Agüero’s parliamentary coordinator in Arequipa, received bank transfers totaling S/ 27,150 from César de la Cruz, a former advisor to the legislator, who is accused of collecting money that the congresswoman’s staff were compelled to contribute, according to the Sunday newspaper Punto Final.

The report issued this Sunday states that De la Cruz transferred various amounts to Flores: S/ 2,800 in September, S/ 1,900 in October, S/ 1,050, and S/ 2,500 in December of 2022. Then, in 2023, he transferred S/ 3,400 in January and S/ 15,500 in February (in five different payments).

It was also pointed out that Edson Flores is a member of Peru Libre and a trusted individual of Omen in Arequipa. He has been working in the congresswoman’s office since November 2021, earning a monthly salary of S/ 3,000.

Punto Final found Flores at the Arequipa airport waiting for the congresswoman’s arrival, but he fled the scene in a taxi to evade questions regarding the money transfers. The legislator managed to exit the airport terminal through a different exit, taking advantage of her position.

A former employee of María Agüero, whose identity is being kept confidential, stated that the congresswoman requested support for Edson Flores’ campaign for mayor of the Melgar district in 2023.

Another case of ‘Mochasueldos’

The same Sunday program revealed last week that María Agüero is accused of deducting 10% from her employees’ salaries solely for working in her office.

According to the report, the legislator requested this money with the assistance of her driver and confidant, César de la Cruz Canales. The employees in the congressional office were required to deposit the money into this individual’s accounts.

“She informed me that the party (Free Peru) has expenses, it has logistics, and therefore, we needed to contribute a sort of tithe,” stated a former employee of Maria Aguero, whose identity was not disclosed.

The lawmaker has denied the accusations but has also refused to clarify the transfers.

Revelations on Peru’s Political Landscape: Salary Cuts and Allegations Against Legislators

Recent reports have shed light on serious allegations against Edson Flores Valencia, parliamentary coordinator for congresswoman María Agüero in Arequipa, with accusations involving the misuse of funds from salary cuts among workers. According to the investigative journalism program “Punto Final”, these revelations could have wider implications for political accountability in Peru.

The Allegations Against Edson Flores

Reports indicate that over the span of several months in 2022 and early 2023, Edson Flores received a total of S/ 27,150 via bank transfers from César de la Cruz, a former advisor to Agüero. The transactions were described as transfers that raised serious questions about the financial integrity of Agüero’s office staff and their management.

Details of the Financial Transactions

Month Amount (S/)
September 2022 2,800
October 2022 1,900
December 2022 1,050
December 2022 2,500
January 2023 3,400
February 2023 15,500

The Political Context

According to insiders, Edson Flores has been a trusted ally of the party Peru Libre and has worked closely with Agüero since November 2021, receiving a reported monthly salary of S/ 3,000. The allegations carry significant weight as they suggest a troubling pattern of behavior among leadership within the Peruvian political landscape, raising concerns over the ethical management of funds.

Witness Accounts and Evasive Actions

Investigation efforts by “Punto Final” led reporters to Flores at the Arequipa airport, where he reportedly attempted to evade questions regarding the money transfers and the alleged salary cuts. Meanwhile, Agüero managed to leave through a different exit, avoiding direct queries related to her financial practices.

Additional Allegations: The ‘Mochasueldos’ Controversy

The allegations don’t stop there. A former employee, whose identity remains confidential, corroborated claims that Agüero had cut 10% from her workers’ salaries as a form of coercion to redistribute funds under the guise of political expenses. This method of siphoning off salaries, referred to in local terms as ‘Mochasueldos’, highlights broader issues of corruption within the ranks of Peruvian lawmakers.

Testimonies of Coercion

Details from the confidential whistleblower indicated that the workers were pressured into contributing to Agüero’s political activities. In one instance, an employee recounted, “She told me that the match (Free Peru) has expenses, it has logistics, and, therefore, we had to give a kind of tithe.” Such assertions further complicate the narrative surrounding Agüero’s governance and ethical responsibilities.

Public Reaction and Accountability

The public response to these allegations has been one of outrage and disillusionment. Citizens expect transparency and ethical conduct from their elected officials, yet cases like these only serve to perpetuate a culture of mistrust. Calls for comprehensive investigations into the financial practices of congress members are gaining momentum.

Steps Toward Change: Promoting Transparency in Politics

As the people of Peru navigate this unsettling political climate, there are steps that can be taken to promote integrity and accountability:

  • Strengthening Oversight: Establishing independent bodies to monitor financial activities within political offices can help prevent misconduct.
  • Encouraging Public Reporting: Empowering citizens to report suspicious activities can strengthen community vigilance against corruption.
  • Implementing Financial Education: Training political staff on ethical financial practices may reduce the prevalence of exploitative behaviors.
  • Reforming Political Campaign Funding: Clear guidelines on fundraising and money management can minimize the risks of corruption.

Conclusion: Striving for a Transparent Government

The allegations against Edson Flores and María Agüero underscore the urgent need for reforms in Peru’s political structure. Ensuring that the elected officials practice transparency and ethical governance is paramount in restoring public trust and accountability.



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