Margriet van der Linden wins Sonja Barend Award for interview in Zomergasten

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Margriet van der Linden Takes Home the Sonja Barend Award!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, grab your popcorn and settle in! We have some juicy goss from the world of Dutch television to sink our teeth into. Margriet van der Linden has snagged the prestigious Sonja Barend Award for the sixteenth time—for conducting the interview that had everyone talking. This award, which honors the best interview of the past television season, was presented by the legendary Sonja Barend herself. And where did this glorious moment unfold? Why, in the laudable BNNVARA program Bar Laat, of course!

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on what this award represents. An interview that’s so riveting it makes you forget to scroll through your phone! Van der Linden received the nod for her interview with human rights attorney Liesbeth Zegveld on the Zomergasten program. And judging by the rave reviews, this wasn’t just an interview; it was more of a grand soirée! Jury member and presenter Margreet Reijntjes waxed lyrical, saying, “It felt as if Margriet asked her guest to dance, who accepted with great dedication, and they danced through the evening together.” Frankly, I didn’t know interviews came with dance moves and twirls!

But let’s bear in mind that it’s not just about sharing pleasantries. TV expert Bert van der Veer showered Van der Linden with compliments, declaring she “perfectly pressed the right buttons” throughout the conversation. I mean, what a skill to have! Imagine if we all possessed such prowess: ‘Oh, you fancy a strong opinion on climate change? Just a moment, let me press a button!’ And journalist Mirjam Bosgraaf described the discussion as a “spectacularly good conversation.” So good, in fact, that I wouldn’t be surprised if it went up for a remake starring Ryan Gosling and Margriet herself!

According to Van der Linden, the chemistry was undeniable. She reminisced about the time spent in the “abandoned” studio, alluding to the fact that it felt a bit like a scene from a horror movie—just her and Zegveld left to their own devices. But don’t worry, dear readers; instead of dark shadows or ghostly whispers, they produced an atmosphere where magic happened. “We felt: this was good. We had such a great time,” Van der Linden noted, raising a toast to their undeniable connection—presumably one made of fine Dutch gin and good intentions.

And as if that wasn’t enough drama for one night, just behind Van der Linden, Cornald Maas took a commendable second place, thanks to his interview with actor Saman Amini on his program Volle Zalen. Even the bronze medalist this year, Hanneke Groenteman, kept spirits high with her Zomergasten chat with actor Pierre Bokma. What a stellar lineup! Can’t you just picture them huddled together under the glittering lights, swapping gossip and critiques?

Ah, yet again, last year’s Sonja Barend winner Eva Jinek is overshadowing the competition. And by the looks of it, there’s no end in sight for the award’s illustrious history, boasting previous winners like Mariëlle Tweebeeke, Coen Verbraak, and Humberto Tan. They say Matthijs van Nieuwkerk was the inaugural winner in 2009, and here we are over a decade later—with the competition fiercer than ever! Talk about high stakes!

To catch the moment of glory, don’t hesitate to check out the winner announcement clip here. Who knows? This dazzling award ceremony might just inspire anyone to pick up their pencil—or, in today’s digital age, their laptop—and create the next great interview that captivates an audience!

Conclusion: Margriet van der Linden’s win shines a spotlight on the art of conversation, which, if executed well, can truly feel like a grand pas de deux rather than just a question-answer session. Who knew weekdays could be this entertaining!

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