Marcourt attacks Belfius at the Wallonia Festival: “Shocked to see a bank giving us lessons”

In Namur, the president of parliament denounces the birds of bad omen.

Ct is a tradition in Namur, for the Fêtes de Wallonie: on Saturday at 5 p.m., while the crowd throngs the streets of the city, the authorities meet at the Royal Theater for the official part of the program, namely the speeches officials of the speaker of parliament and the minister-president.

Funny atmosphere this year. Contrary to a well-established habit, the “Wallos” do not celebrate a guest of honor. Louisiana and its governor had received the cards long ago. But in the spring, Elio Di Rupo let it be known that they were no longer welcome: this state engulfed itself in the legislative breach created by the Supreme Court of the United States to call into question the right to abortion. Under these conditions, it is impossible to roll out the red carpet for him in the capital of Wallonia.

Another particularity of the event where all the political leaders of Wallonia and elsewhere meet: it closes a very turbulent week for the parliament of Wallonia, which is the inviting power in this case. The accusations leveled by members of the assembly staff on the clerk and the call for help launched by these same agents to the political staff marked everyone’s mind. We talked about it quietly in the hallways.

Marcourt very offensive

At the podium, President Jean-Claude Marcourt, on the front line in this affair with the members of the Bureau of Parliament, did not allude to this crisis which is tarnishing the image of the institution. But we found the Liègeois very offensive in his speech, with the obvious desire to do battle with those who are targeting Wallonia.

An example: the Belfius bank, which he said would hesitate to support the Region financially. For Marcourt, this is inadmissible, read instead: “I am shocked to see a bank giving lessons, which only exists through the sacrifice of Belgians who have lost their savings there, who, through the negligence of its leaders , led Wallonia to lose hundreds of millions of euros and which was saved by public money. It is unacceptable for a public bank to allow itself this type of comment. »

The socialist reiterates his support for the government in the face of budgetary difficulties and for the recovery plan. But he asks in passing for intra-Walloon justice: “Today, in Wallonia, all the sub-regions do not have the feeling of being treated in the same way. I call on the government to be attentive in this regard. »

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Another presidential claim, the regionalization of education, half-words but all the same: “To dare to approach education, moreover by claiming to be Walloon, is often considered either as a provocation or even as a declaration of war or as a nonsense. Are we going to continue to bury our heads in the sand or to turn our heads and look elsewhere because addressing this essential subject could lead to undermining the institution that has the competence? »

Lastly, insisting on the Walloon identity, Jean-Claude Marcourt launches an idea: “I propose a strong act of collective belonging by adopting a date on which, from Mouscron to Fourons, from Arlon to Nivelles, all those and all those who live in Wallonia could celebrate this one and be proud of it. The president suggests to the population to propose symbolic dates, beyond the current Wallonia Festivals which evolve according to the calendar.

Not a small region

At the microphone in turn, Minister-President Elio Di Rupo shows unfailing optimism for his region: “Small, Wallonia is not. Vulnerable, Wallonia is not either”. The proof of this second observation, according to the Walloon “Premier”: public finances under control and debt under control. The budget conclave starts in ten days…

Small non-exhaustive anthology of the long presidential creed: “Wallonia succeeds on the contrary in demonstrating, in tragic circumstances, its formidable resilience”, “Wallonia has resisted and will still resist all the shocks” or even “the recovery plan will allow Wallonia to take a leap forward”.

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