Luciana Muñoz marches in Neuquén this Saturday, two weeks after her disappearance

2024-07-27 10:27:00

Relatives, friends and groups will march through the center of the capital Neuquén this Saturday to demand the appearance of Luciana Muñoz, a 20-year-old girl who has nothing to show for her. It is understood that since July 13 last yearwhen he was out visiting friends.

To be precise, there will be mobilization After two weeks of searchingthere is currently no trace of the unemployed Luciana, who was last seen in the Neuquén community of Peking University.

A conference call was held at 4 p.m. in front of the Monument to St. Martin, Organizations such as Mumalá, Mujeres por la Libertad and La Revuelta are involved, as well as citizens at large.

The search for the young woman has lasted 13 days since it began. An aerial search was conducted today, Friday, using drones and a helicopter owned by the province.

I will study them this SaturdayThe search area will be extended to the Neuquen and Limay rivers, as well as water searches.

Information reward for Luciana Muñoz of Neuquen City increased to 10 million

Given the lack of accurate information about Luciana, Neuquén’s government in recent hours has increased financial rewards for those who provide accurate details about her whereabouts.

Diario RÍO NEGRO anticipates this measure, Governor Rolando Figueroa signed a decree on Friday night extending the initial amount From 1 million to 10 million pesos.

Official documents explain that one of the motivations was Actions carried out so far have “lacked results”.

According to the rules, the money will only be delivered to those who provide reliable and unquestionable information that contributes to the emergence of Luciana Antonela Muñoz Arguerre.

#Luciana #Muñoz #marches #Neuquén #Saturday #weeks #disappearance



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