Members of the Police Welfare Council confirmed that this Wednesday a new mobilization will take place in Viedma and they warned that the measures will be deepened if there are no solutions to their requests. On Monday there was a massive march in the Rio Negro capital and a uniformed woman chained herself up in the Ministry of Security and Justice. Among the measures this Wednesday will also be a protest during the National Chocolate Festival in Bariloche.
Yesterday, in the morning, the Minister of Security and Justice of Río Negro, Betiana Minor gave a cpress conference where he announced the payment once and through a supplementary form of 40,000 pesos for all the personnel of the Río Negro Police and the Provincial Penitentiary Service to be used for the purchase of clothing.
Besides, During Monday night there was a meeting between official representatives and the Police and Minor Welfare Council at the headquarters of the Viedma Public Prosecutor’s Office with the intention of decompressing the conflict that arose in front of the Ministry of Security building.
For the police workers it was not enough and their spokesman Rubén Muñoz affirmed that the meeting with Minor «was offensive towards the police family. There are no intentions to rebuild the situation.
He added that “if we abandon the fight today, our pensioners, the active, the retired, the police stations, the mobiles will continue in misery.”
Police protest in Viedma and Bariloche
That is why during the assembly of the Police Welfare Council a march was confirmed for this Wednesday in the capital of Rio Negro, starting at 10. TThey also reported that the accompaniment of the Río Negro Public Health Union Association (ASSPUR) will be added to this mobilization.which will carry out its last day of the 48-hour strike.
The idea is to go in front of the Government House and then in front of the Río Negro Police Headquarters.
From the Council they advanced that following that march, an assembly will be held where actions to follow will be defined in case there are no responses to requests.
Among them perform interventions during the National Chocolate Festival that takes place in Bariloche until Sunday. “If tomorrow (for this Wednesday) we are not summoned to a coherent dialogue with the intention of fixing this situation, we are going to take over the Civic Center and the entire National Chocolate Festival in Bariloche.”
Meanwhile, the The ruling party does not stop highlighting the participation of people linked to Together for Change like that of the candidate for Viedma councilor for that political force, José Acosta, who is one of the spokesmen who were in the Viedma assembly.

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