March in the Plaza 25 de Mayo in Rosario, in support of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Political, social, student and human rights groups held this Thursday a Concentration in Rosario in defense of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

The march was held after the reading of the accusation that prosecutor Diego Luciani made this Monday in the oral trial of the Vialidad case.

The Prosecutor requested for Cristina a sentence of 12 years in prison and disqualification perpetual special as alleged head of illicit association in real competition with the crime of aggravated fraudulent administration.

The mobilization of support for the vice president was held in Rosario in Plaza 25 de Mayo, coinciding with the traditional Round of the Mothers.

As well as the expressions of support for the vice president that have spread nationally, local organizations denounced “lawfare” and “judicial persecution” against Cristina Fernández de Kichner.

Matías Layus, a spokesperson for La Bancaria Rosario, told the Radio 2 mobile that “they go after Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as they did in ’55 in the Liberating Revolution against Perón” and recalled that in any case “Perón returned to Argentina and he was three times president”.

In addition, the leaders of the banking union maintained that for the judicial persecution of the vice president “there is a political leg and a judicial leg.” “If they advance on Cristina advance on us and on the rights of workers”, reflected Layús from the Plaza 25 de Mayo.

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