March Against President Gustavo: Citizens Mobilize for Health System Defense – April 21 Protest

2024-04-20 00:38:27

The march next Sunday, April 21 once morest the government of President Gustavo is heating up. Former ministers, political leaders and even unions launched an invitation to citizens to join the mobilization, with the aim of the Executive listening to the complaints regarding the errors of its administration.

The former Minister of Education, Alejandro Gaviria, who was part of the Petro cabinet, confirmed that he will participate in Sunday’s march, pointing out that he will make a call to the State not to destroy the current health system.

“I am going to attend the march this Sunday, April 21, with a cause in mind, the defense of our health system and the defense of the fundamental right to health. I am going to do it in the company of patient associations and doctors to draw the attention not only of the Government, but also of the Colombian State to the growing and neglected problems of the health system,” said Gaviria.

He also highlighted: “I believe that in this situation, in this context, in the context of the destruction of the health system without building a clear alternative, this march is not only necessary, I think it is urgent. I expect massive participation from civil society. See you on Sunday”.

In turn, Juan Manuel Galán, director of the New Liberalism, predicted that the April 21 mobilization will be “massive” throughout the country, stating that discontent with the Petro Government is increasing.

President Gustavo Petro. | Photo: Guillermo Torres Reina

“The political effects that this march is going to have are important to analyze. I think the march is going to be massive throughout the country, especially in the city of Bogotá. People are going to express themselves, they are going to go out and march,” Galán insisted.

He also said: “There is a great generalized intention of many people who are outraged, who really feel that the Government, by good or bad means, is trying to impose reforms that have not been agreed upon, that have not been reconciled, that have not been They have consensus, but they also do not respond to the evidence, to the technique, to what is budgetarily viable.”

“What political effects might this have? I see two main ones. One is that the Government finally recognizes and understands that it has to respect democratic institutions, that it has to respect Congress, that it cannot proceed by giving Congress jam, attacking the high courts or disqualifying the Constitutional Court, which has to call to all sectors so that they can contribute their point of view in the construction of reforms. That path is still viable. The other path is for the President of the Republic and the Government to continue entrenching themselves, to continue radicalizing, to follow a path of confrontation that might end in a violent confrontation, which would be absolutely serious for the country,” he indicated.

Sanitas and the Nueva EPS were intervened by Supersalud. In Anif’s opinion, the Government’s decision to intervene was wrong, “because it attacks the symptom before the cause.” | Photo: Week

Furthermore, he expressed in a video: “This country has already suffered violence and war for many years. We have almost 10 million victims registered in the Single National Registry of Victims. It’s enough. The President of the Republic, constitutionally speaking, must embody the unity of the Nation.”

“And the unity of the Nation not only occurs through political discourse, but also through gestures. And the president has to recognize that he won the second round only by 3%. Half the country did not want to be with him in the elections. So, what he says that he is the people and that everything he says is the will of the people, is not true. We are all the people. We citizens are the Colombian people,” he advanced in his statement.

Gustavo Petro and Juan Manuel Galán | Photo: Week

He also said: “We deserve respect and we all deserve to be able to contribute to the construction of reforms that affect us all as human beings. Health reform affects us all. It is a fundamental right. And it cannot be done at the whim of dogmas or fundamentalisms that do not respond to evidence, technique and budgetary feasibility. I see that these are the two paths and the President of the Republic has it in his hands to decide which path he wants to take.”

Galán also expressed: “If the path of confrontation, which can end in a violent confrontation that would be very serious for the country, or the path of concertation, the path of building agreements. I hope he takes that second path.”

Meanwhile, former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt detailed the “little tricks” of the Petro Government to delay the investigations being carried out for an alleged violation of limits on the financing of the presidential campaign.

“The march on April 21 is going to be tremendous. Therefore, it will have clear effects on the impeachment trial that has already begun in the Accusations Commission. The National Electoral Council is on the verge of issuing a resolution certifying the violation of the financial limits of Gustavo Petro’s presidential campaign,” he said.

Ingrid Betancourt and President Gustavo Petro. | Photo: Week

Furthermore, he indicated: “It is clear that the Commission of Accusations seeks to delay the process, its three instructors have the file soaked. However, two of them, Gloria Arizabaleta and Alirio Uribe, members of the Historical Pact, should both be challenged, since they are involved in financing their campaigns with Fecode resources, the same resources that they have to investigate. On the other hand, the Government does the same to delay.”

“The Ministry of Finance has not sent the resources so that the Commission of Accusations can hire advisors to expedite the processes and comply with the six-month deadline established by law to present a report,” he noted.

And he warned: “On June 13, yes or yes, whatever resolution is issued by the Accusations Commission, it has to go to the plenary session of the Chamber. Therefore, the march on April 21 this Sunday is the first step to demand that politicians comply with the people and that the Commission of Accusations comply with the constitutional mandate of opening the impeachment trial. “This is the Fuera Petro march to save democracy.”

Jota Pe Hernandez, Green Alliance senator. | Photo: Juan Carlos Sierra

Senator Jota Pe Hernández also made an invitation for citizens to join the march on April 21: “Colombians are very concerned regarding the direction Colombia is taking. Gustavo Petro’s intentions and decisions are threatening not only the institutions, democracy, but the stability of our country. Today we are concerned regarding security, today we are concerned regarding the economy, today we are concerned regarding health, today we are concerned regarding pensions. “These petro-reforms that are passing through Congress and that are being approved by representatives and senators will bring harm to millions of Colombians.”

In addition to this, he said: “That is why it is important that on April 21 we go to the streets, all united en masse, to send a strong message not only to this bad government of Gustavo Petro, but also to those congressmen who are voting so much. in the Senate and in the House these petro-reforms. One day following the march, on Monday, the pension reform will be approved in the Senate of the Republic. Well, it is very important that those congressmen and senators who are voting understand that Colombia does not want petro-reforms.”

“Come on, let’s go to the streets and take advantage of the fact that it’s a Sunday, since it’s been a long time since a Sunday was called for a mobilization, and let’s make this nation respected and let’s make this country respected,” the congressman insisted.

Josías Fiesco, activist and coordinator of the march in Bogotá, showed his concern regarding the reality of the health system due to the measures that the Petro Government has been adopting.

Narino Palace | Photo: GUILLERMO TORRES

“The drug shortage is worse than the pandemic. Due to the insulin shortage, today 1,700,000 Colombians are at serious risk of losing their lives in the next 90 days. How can Colombia not mobilize next Sunday in the face of this, when 1,400 supplies for medicines are no longer available in our country today? And what can we say regarding the mistreatment of our medical personnel in general, since the president affirmed that Cuba’s health model should be replicated in Colombia? The same insults from the previous minister –Corcho– stating that in our country the doctors were responsible for the budgetary impact on the system, not the mayors and governors. This, which will undoubtedly take lives in the midst of an inhuman Colombia, motivates us to take to the streets next Sunday to reject this government,” she said.

Likewise, former Finance Minister Rudolf Hommes also noted regarding Sunday’s mobilization: “We are going to march for the 1991 Constitution to defend it and to defend the rule of law, to make it respected. We want to tell the president that we do not agree with his arbitrariness, nor with his style of government, that we cannot leave the economy without growing, that we have to grow with inclusion. In no way or another are we going to be able to get the country out of poverty, we have to be serious regarding the way of government and that is what we are missing.”

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