Marcela Acuña, with a helmet and disowned in a hospital: “Murderer!”

2023-07-06 13:22:00

Marcela Acunamother of César Sena, one of those arrested for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzwoski She was transferred to a Resistencia hospital following suffering from dizziness. When she walked guarded and with a helmet through a corridor they lived very tense moments

“Murderess! ohMurderer, son of a bitch!they yelled at him, according to a video replicated on the networks

The repudiation was more widespread and included relatives of other patients and even members of the staff. moThey displayed posters that demanded: “Enough of impunity” and “Coqui, we want the Sena imprisoned”, in reference to Governor Jorge Capitanich.



#Marcela #Acuña #helmet #disowned #hospital #Murderer

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