Marcel sends a message to the ruling parliamentarians about the fifth withdrawal: “What you can do today is make a brave decision”

After a hectic week for the government regarding the political (due to the statements of the Minister of the Interior) and the economic, taking into account the presentation of the “Chile Supports” plan that will mobilize resources for US$3,726 million, the Minister of Treasury, Mario Marcel, referred in CNN Chile’s Zero Tolerance program to the parliamentary discussion about approving or not a fifth withdrawal of pension funds.

Regarding how to convince the parliamentarians of his same coalition, who were in favor of approving the fourth withdrawal, that this time they do not do it with the fifth, Marcel replied: “Realizing that approving a fifth withdrawal today is generating an economic situation in which it will not be possible to carry out many of the reforms and programs that are part of the agenda of this government”.

Regarding the fact that perhaps it would not be easier for said parliamentarians to simply admit that it was a mistake to have supported approving the fourth withdrawal, the head of the portfolio replied: “I don’t know if it would be easier or more difficult. History cannot be changed. But what you can do today is make a brave decision. Because parliamentarians are under tremendous pressure around the issue of withdrawals. Make a brave decision and say that: ‘we are going to decide something, because it is good for the country, even if it is unpopular,’ “insisted the Minister of Finance, reaffirming the government’s position on the issue.

Marcel referred to several topics during the interview, such as the government’s goal of reaching a minimum salary of $400,000 before the end of the year and how they could support SMEs that cannot afford such an increase. This, taking into account that most of the workers who receive minimum income are, precisely, in micro, small and medium enterprises.

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The Minister of Finance commented: “As we have indicated, there will be support for these companies to pay for the increase in the minimum income. The logical thing is that this support is linked more to the real part, that is, to inflation,” Marcel said, but added: “Now, This contribution will necessarily be transitory, since the State cannot permanently take charge of part of the payroll of the companies.. But, to the extent that this support helps to make a much more gradual transition, it will be easier for companies to assume that additional cost.”

Mario Marcel commented that today the ministers had met with President Boric, in which they discussed “deeper” issues of the meaning of the government and how to order priorities and give it visibility. In addition to how to make sure to go from promises to concrete facts, according to the minister. “What I see is a team that is learning to work together, in which there is a lot of unity of criteria, but there is also a diversity that is quite large. We all have different stories.” Marcel concluded.

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