Maquiladora industries generate more than 28,000 jobs and exports of US$ 718 million

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Accumulated exports, recorded from January to August 2024, total US$ 718 million, which represents an increase of US$ 50 million compared to the same period in 2023, an increase of 8% that reflects the dynamism of the sector. It also has a significant impact on the generation of 28,111 formal jobs, an increase of 9% in the last twelve months, reports the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

According to data provided by the National Council of Export Maquila Industries (CNIME) regarding the Maquila Regime, figures reveal that highlight the sustained growth and economic impact of the sector.

In August 2024, exports from the maquiladora industries reached US$100 million, marking an increase of 16% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Regarding the sectors with the highest share under this regime, the report highlights that exports were concentrated mainly in the auto parts sector, which led with 28%, followed by clothing and textiles with 19%, food products with 14% and aluminum and its manufactures, with 13%.

Regarding the destinations of manufactured goods from maquiladora industries, the report indicates that so far in the 2024 period, 77% of exports were destined for Mercosur countries.

Of this block, Brazil leads as a shipping destination with a 65% share; followed by Argentina, with 10% of purchases. Also listed as destinations are the Netherlands with 5%, the United States, with 4%; followed by Chile, with 3%; and Uruguay and Bolivia, with 2% each.

Promotes job creation

The Maquila Regime also has a significant impact on the generation of formal employment. Currently, the maquila regime registers a total of 28,111 jobs linked to the maquiladora industries, an increase of 9% in the last twelve months.

In addition, in August 2024 alone, this sector generated 1,202 new jobs compared to July 2024. This increase is due to the incorporation of new companies into the maquila regime in the metallurgical, services and chemical sectors.

The report also highlights that 44% of jobs in the maquila sector are held by women, reflecting a commitment to equal access in the workplace.

It also highlights that 70% of jobs linked to the maquiladora industries are registered in the auto parts, clothing, intangible services, plastics and pharmaceutical sectors.

Regarding the location of these industries, 89% of the companies with approved maquila programs are located in the departments of Alto Paraná, with 47%; Central, with 28%; Capital and Amambay, with 8% and 6%, respectively, according to the report.

Positive balance

Regarding imports from the maquiladora industries, in the 2024 period they totaled purchases worth USD 359 million, which represents an increase of 8% compared to the previous period.

Considering that exports exceeded imports by 100%, the trade balance of the maquiladora industries is positive for the country, which shows that products manufactured under this regime are exported with significant national added value, reports the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

#Maquiladora #industries #generate #jobs #exports #million
2024-09-20 20:41:23



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