maps and graphs on its evolution in Spain and the world

The vaccine  once morest Covid-19: maps and graphs of the vaccination process in Spain and the world

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The vaccine once morest Covid-19: maps and graphs of the vaccination process in Spain and the world

Data updated as of January 28, 2022

Humanity faces the largest vaccination campaign in history. The process of immunization once morest Covid-19, which began in early December 2020 in the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and China, is underway throughout the world and stands out in most of the richest countries.

In Spain the vaccination campaign once morest COVID-19 started on December 27. Since the process began, injections for the elderly were prioritized and as it progressed, it was extended to other age groups. eight months later, on August 31, the goal was achieved that 70% of the population had the complete guideline once morest the disease and the serums already reach practically all age groups.

Although the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines require two injections to have the complete schedule and the Janssen vaccine only requires one injection, many Western countries have approved booster doses of the drugs to increase protection once morest infection and disease. .

The following table shows the status of the vaccination process in Spain in each autonomous community. The percentage of the population with at least one dose of the vaccine, fully vaccinated and with a booster dose, and the total number of doses administered to date are shown.

When the pandemic began, there was one main objective for all the countries in the world: flatten the contagion curve. With the arrival of vaccines, the goal is to accelerate the vaccination curve to immunize millions of people in record time: a logistical and medical challenge never before undertaken on a global scale.

Over the weeks, it has been shown that the bottleneck of vaccination in Spain are the doses received. In addition, the number of injections increased once more with the booster dose campaign for those over 40 years of age and the extension of vaccinations to children between 5 and 11 years of age. This is how the vaccination rate evolves in Spain, measured in the average number of daily doses administered in the last week.

The pace of vaccination has advanced at different speeds between autonomous communities, since each one can apply different strategies and protocols. For example, the territories that have more population with priority to vaccinate (residences, health and older territories) have received more doses per inhabitant and have been able to vaccinate a greater part of the population. Thus, on August 31, communities such as the Balearic Islands, Catalonia or Madrid were below the first objective of 70% of the population with a complete guideline, while others such as Asturias or Galicia had exceeded it weeks ago.

To find out how the process is progressing and how much of the population is immunized in each region, the following graph shows the detail by community. In it you can see how many people have received at least one dose, the full vaccine and the booster dose, and the percentage they represent of the total population to be immunized in each region.

How is the vaccination process evolving in your autonomous community? How many people have received at least one dose of the vaccine? And the complete pattern? Is there already a large part of the population with booster doses? In the following tabs you can consult all the details, region by region.

When the process began, the doses available for the most vulnerable population were prioritized: people residing in centers for the elderly, the population over 80 years of age, front-line health personnel and large dependents.

With the arrival of Janssen began vaccinating people between the ages of 50 and 59 in May., and later it was gradually inoculated in lower age groups, until reaching practically all age groups, including minors. At the end of the year, vaccination was extended to children between 5 and 11 years of age, the last to be vaccinated.

The following table allows you to consult the evolution of vaccination in each age group according to the percentage of the population that has received at least one dose or the complete vaccination schedule.

Vaccines once morest COVID-19 do not eliminate the risk of contracting and transmitting the disease, but they do eliminate the risk of developing severe symptoms and mortality. Vaccination has been clearly noted in the mortality figures. The 5th and 6th waves of the pandemic in Spain have left contagion figures that far exceed previous waves and, although there has been an increase in deaths, the mortality rate achieved following the explosion in July is not comparable to that of any other time of the epidemic in our country.

The following graph shows the curve of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths for each age group with respect to the maximum peak that was recorded in the third wave, between January and February 2021.

In the first months of the vaccination plan, the rate increased throughout Spain, but the speed at which the different regions carried out the injections varied, due to the different strategies of each community. In the following graph you can see the number of doses that are administered, per 100 inhabitants, each day in each community and the average for Spain. The curves show the average of the last week.

Millions of people in a small number of countries around the world have already received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. The campaign began in many countries in December with emergency authorizations, in some cases using experimental drugs, and accelerated in the following months with the authorizations of several vaccines in the European Union and the rest of the world.

The following map shows the countries with the largest fully vaccinated population. Only the figures of the countries that have published data are shown, according to the data collected by the portal Our World in Data.

The vaccination gap between rich and poor countries is beginning to show in the figures. So far, the majority of doses administered worldwide are concentrated in the northern hemisphere. This table includes the percentage of immunized people in each country, a figure that may be different from the doses per 100 inhabitants since in many countries vaccines that need two doses are being administered and other countries have greatly accelerated the campaign to inoculate the doses reinforcement. This percentage cannot be calculated for countries that do not separately show the number of doses administered for each type of vaccine.

The difference between the vaccination curves between the countries is mainly due to the availability of doses, the capacity of the vaccination system and acceptance among citizens. Although the size and population of each country must also be taken into account to make comparisons: it is not the same to vaccinate 8 million people who live concentrated in 22,000 square kilometers than to vaccinate 47 million people who live in 500,000 square kilometers Of surface. To date, Pfizer’s vaccine is the most widespread in Europe and the United States. In the United Kingdom, the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is also administered. Instead China, India and Russia are using their own drugs that are also distributed by Latin America.

The economic gap becomes more visible when grouping the doses administered by world regions. The vaccination process has barely begun in Latin America and Africa, compared to the countries with the highest per capita income, which monopolized most of the doses purchased before the approval of the vaccines.

The following graph shows in greater detail how is the gap in the vaccination process between the countries of the world, according to their income levels. The richer the countries, the more population with the complete vaccination schedule they have, and vice versa: the lowest income countries are the ones that have been able to immunize the least percentage of their population. Click on the bubbles to see the details of vaccination in each country.



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