Many older people relocate after dementia diagnosis

Dementia Diagnosis Spurs Relocation—Who Knew Moving Could Be So Complicated?

A new diagnosis of Alzheimer's or other dementia often spurs a person to move from their home, new research shows.

A recent study in JAMA Network Open has revealed something rather intriguing: it turns out that a shiny new dementia diagnosis doesn’t just bring a sense of dread, but it also seems to come with a “For Sale” sign! That’s right, folks—moving isn’t just for the young and restless anymore.

These researchers decided to have a gander at Medicare data concerning the living situations of over 1.6 million lucky individuals diagnosed with either dementia, heart attacks, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or colon cancer around 2016. It’s not exactly the plot of a bestseller, but stick with me! They tracked where folks lived and whether they relocated for a full eight years, from 2012 through 2020. Think of it as ‘Big Brother’ but with a health twist. And who doesn’t love a bit of medical surveillance, eh?

Now, here’s the juicy bit: prior to their dementia diagnosis, these lovely humans didn’t show any particular inclination to relocate—ah, the comfort of familiarity! But once dementia knocked on the door, a staggering 22% packed their bags and moved to a different U.S. county. That’s a whopping 40% increase in relocations compared to those diagnosed with other ailments. You know what they say—finding out you’re losing your marbles can really inspire a neighborhood change.

Interestingly, many people with dementia didn’t just duck down the road to a cozier cottage; they decided to take a leap and move to another state entirely! No nursing home nostalgia here—most opted to simply trade one house for another. It’s a homespun American tradition, really—just with a sprinkle of existential crisis on the side.

Health and Migration: It’s Complicated!

The researchers commented on how this discovery exposes the “profound impact” a dementia diagnosis has on a person’s living situation. Traditionally, we’ve all accepted that as one ages, they’re meant to settle into their homes like a pair of well-worn slippers. However, it appears that dementia is flipping the script and taking us on a migration tour of the city—and quite possibly the country—just when you thought you’d organized all your spices in alphabetical order.

As our global population ages and the incidence of dementia continues to climb, it’s more essential than ever for policymakers and communities to take heed. Allegedly, our aging population’s unique migration patterns and needs are about to get a bit more complicated. Who knew our golden years would come with roadmaps?

Takeaways for Us All

So, what are we left with? Well, aside from the idea that more seniors might be packing up and moving, there are big implications for community planning and support systems. If your town can suddenly transform into a ‘dementia relocation hotspot’, you might want to ensure such moves don’t lead to chaos at your local grocery store. It’s hard enough on a Wednesday when they run out of your favorite brand of yogurt; with a flood of new residents? Just doesn’t bear thinking about!

For those of you wanting to know more about dementia, the Alzheimer’s Society is a shiny beacon of information out there. After all, every bit of knowledge helps illuminate the dark corners of this mysterious and sometimes mischievous condition.

So, whether you’re contemplating a move or just mulling over how many more cups of tea you can drink before finding yourself in a nursing home, remember: change can be nerve-wracking, but sometimes a change of scenery might just be the best medicine.



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