Many children die when falling into Koi fish tanks, experts warn

According to the leader, the fire prevention and fighting units need to advise the District People’s Committee to direct schools to strengthen children to learn more life skills such as: Learning to swim, teaching children regarding first aid and first aid when someone is present. drowned.

Many children die when falling into a Koi fish tank, experts warn - 4

Experts recommend that establishment owners should build Koi fish tanks with a depth of 50-60cm and must have barriers around (Photo: Zions).

It is necessary to strengthen propaganda sessions at schools in the area, regarding avoiding dangerous places where children are easy to go, easy to drown…

Suggest to district and district police… direct down to grassroots level, send officials down to each household to strictly implement safety assurance when building fish tanks, aquariums at home and business areas … must ensure safety such as the installation of warning cameras, fences around fish tanks, aquariums…

According to the leader, at establishments with aquariums in Tay Ho district, the unit also requires them to install fences and railings that must be at least iron or concrete with a guaranteed height. To prevent children from climbing over and down, leading to danger.

In addition, the functional forces also require these facilities to arrange security forces at the aquariums to ensure the safety of the children, when the parents are negligent, the guards themselves will have to remind and prevent them. block children.

Regarding how to rescue children when they have a drowning incident, the leader said that this is only in seconds, cannot be delayed.

Specifically, when detecting a child drowning, it is necessary to quickly rescue the child, bring the child to the shore, then hold the child’s legs upside down, and at the same time pat the child’s back to let the water out, then artificial respiration can be performed. .

Around 5:30 p.m. on February 8, LKN (4 years old) and DAK (4 years old, both living in group 5, zone 7, Cao Xanh ward) were taken out by their parents.

At 19:00 on the same day, Mr. Cao Van Le (29 years old, in area 7, Cao Xanh ward) discovered two children floating on the surface of his Koi fish tank. Mr. Le quickly picked up the two children to take them to the emergency room, but the two children died from asphyxiation for a long time.

Recently, Children’s Hospital 2 (HCMC) has received treatment for a case of tragic accident. The patient is a boy regarding 3 years old (Binh Phuoc hometown, ethnic minority). Initially, during the Lunar New Year holiday, the parents took the baby out to a local Koi fish cafe.

While at the cafe, the child runs around freely. After a while, when the baby was not found, the new parents went out to search, then the fire crew discovered that the people had picked the baby up from the Koi aquarium and were giving first aid, in a critical condition, then the baby died.



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