Many are ignorant of it… A Russian doctor reveals the first signs of diabetes • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Tatiana Rutkovskaya, an endocrinologist, explained that diabetes can develop imperceptibly. Therefore, it cannot be diagnosed in the early stages.

In an interview with the newspaper “Argomenti i Facti”, she said that malnutrition, eating a large amount of carbohydrates, taking medications and lack of physical activity, leads to diabetes, whose symptoms appear in the form of dry mouth, thirst, increased sweating, weight gain, frequent urination and poor eyesight. Finger tingling.

She added, “Visual acuity decreases and vision appears blurred, as a result of not measuring the level of glucose in the blood on a regular basis, or when a person does not care regarding his health, and even knowing that he has diabetes, he does not consult an ophthalmologist.”

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