Manuel Neuer Skiiing Accident: What Really Happened and How He Bounced Back

2023-11-08 09:53:13

Manuel Neuer (37) tells new details regarding his skiing accident eleven months ago!

The Bayern keeper will be in goal today (9 p.m. / DAZN) once morest Galatasaray Istanbul for the fourth time following breaking his tibia and fibula – for the first time in the Champions League in over a year (most recently on November 1, 2022 in the 2-0 win once morest Inter Milan).

Before the fourth group game in the premier class, FC Bayern released the 32-minute documentary “Fight for a comeback – Manuel Neuer’s way back into the goal”. With interesting details!

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Source: Image November 8, 2023

New documentary reveals new details regarding the ski accident

Neuer himself tells a lot in the documentary – for example, how the skiing accident in the Spitzingsee area happened on the descent from the Roßkopf (1580 meters high) off the piste at around 1400 meters on December 9th, 2022.

After the World Cup debacle, the 2014 world champion wanted to clear his head. He now says: “I started hiking and went running. The fifth unit I did was a ski tour with experienced people who also go up the mountain, at our home near Lake Tegernsee.”

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Then Neuer describes the moment of the accident

The national goalkeeper: “Basically, it was a bit like going out to pick up sandwiches for me. I think I’ve been skiing since I was six years old and have been skiing for over 30 years and nothing like this has ever happened. Unfortunately there was something under the snow that blocked me. Then I fell and injured myself. And got stuck up there.”

According to BILD information, there was only around eleven centimeters of snow at the time. Therefore, there was a greater risk of getting stuck on stones, mounds of earth or the like. After his fall, Neuer called someone important to him from the mountain!

New in the documentary: “First we called the mountain rescue service, so the mountain guide called the mountain rescue service. And then I called Jochen from my cell phone.”

Team doctor Dr. Jochen Hahne (45) reveals what the phone call was regarding!

The Bayern and national team doc: “Then I would say we talked for a minute regarding the trauma and the pain. Then I tried to think quickly what would be the best option for him. I still remember how I then told him: ‘Don’t try to get into the valley now, but if you have the opportunity, try to get the helicopter out of Murnau!’ Because they are really, really well specialized in it.”

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Source: SID/BILD November 7th, 2023

According to BILD information, Neuer was pulled into the ADAC helicopter “Christoph Murnau” using a cable winch at around 12.30 p.m. and taken on board in the air. 12.43 p.m.: Landing at the BG Accident Clinic Murnau. How severe the lower leg fracture was was only determined in the hospital.

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Neuer confirms this: “Then the bad news came when my ski boots were taken off! Then it was clear to the doctors when I was in the hospital: Oh, it’s more than that. Because I also played it down a bit – even though I was in pain…”

Bavaria’s second team doctor Prof. Dr. Peter Ueblacker (46) regarding the fracture of his right leg: “You have to imagine that the entire lower leg was once broken, the tibia, but also the fibula. It was a very serious injury – probably the most serious injury we have seen here at FC Bayern in connection with professional football in recent years or decades.”

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Neuer wrote this from the clinic to the team group

The Bayern captain’s career was at stake! An emergency operation in Murnau saved him. After the shock of the accident, he sent a message to his team colleagues from the clinic.

Neuer: “I wrote a WhatsApp directly to the team group and immediately apologized for it. I then said that I would most likely be out until next season, i.e. until the summer. Because it all happened relatively quickly, I sent a photo of myself following the operation.”

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That’s why Neuer mightn’t even play 3-meter passes

At the end of July, problems arose in the development training with goalkeeping coach Michaelrechner (43). At the beginning of August, the keeper had to have metal removed from his fibula, which had been used during the operation to stabilize the fracture.

Neuer: “In the meantime there were a few setbacks, but these are actually to be planned for with such a major and long-term injury. On the one hand, I mightn’t play a pass over 3 meters, 5 meters, let alone longer. I always had a stinging sensation on my right fibula, so metal had to be removed. Then there was this little operation that helped me. It was suddenly gone that I felt that knife stab. But then I needed a little time and a little new start.”

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Suddenly problems on the other leg

Neuer also talks openly regarding the diffuse problems at the end of August in the documentary! Suddenly the calf of his left leg started causing problems – a reaction to the long rollercoaster rehab.

Neuer: “Then the body started to compensate a bit. This means shifting the load a little more to the left, healthy leg. As a result, I had a small torn fiber in my left calf.”

He ate Kaiserschmarrn with the doctor at Christmas

Almost three weeks following the operation, Neuer was back at home in his villa: “Christmas was just around the corner and I was with us at Tegernsee. Therapists came by and also Jochen Hahne.”

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Hahne reveals a nice Neuer story: “I changed the bandage. And I think the emotional support was important too. The special thing regarding Manu is that he also thinks regarding other people in such situations. It was the holidays and then I said: ‘Come on Manu, I’m coming over on the first holiday.’ And then he said: ‘Yes, what does your family do then?’ Then I said: ‘They’ll get busy then…’ Then he said: ‘Then take them all with you!’ Then we were all with him and ate Kaiserschmarrn. That really impressed me. That a person who has other things to worry regarding in a situation like this hasn’t forgotten that.”

Great Neuer gesture on his comeback

323 days following his skiing accident, 350 days following his last Bayern game – on October 28th, Neuer celebrated his comeback once morest Darmstadt (8-0) in the Allianz Arena. With special guests in the VIP grandstand!

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After the game, Neuer says in the documentary in the catacombs of the stadium: “What was the best thing for me today? The surgeons from Murnau sat there, the people who were up on the mountain with me, who helped me – I invited them all today. I’m now looking forward to thanking them once more.”

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