“Manuel Merillas dominates the first stage of the Golden Trail World Series 2023”

2023-05-15 08:40:53

Manuel Merillas was the most realistic. Starting more cautiously than the big favorites of the day, the Swiss Rémi Bonnet and the Kenyan Robert Pkemboi, the Spaniard continued to chase the lead in the first part of the mountain marathon (42 km and 2,736 meters of elevation gain ), which is the first stage of the Golden Trail World Series 2023.

In front, Robert Pkemboi (5th) then Rémi Bonnet (4th) end up accusing the blow: wading in a pool of mud, the two favorites find themselves lacking in energy and must leave Manuel Merillas, Elhousine Elazzaoui (2nd) and Jonathan Albon (3rd) take them back. It was on the descent to the village of Zegama that the leader widened the gap to win in 3h42 on this first stage of the GTWS, less than a minute ahead of his first pursuer, Elazzaoui.

“I felt good today, says Merillas. I admit they left quickly, but I ate well and I felt that my legs were responding well so I was able to hang up quickly on the descent. I prepared well, not necessarily specifically for Zegama, but when you look at my time, it’s faster than last year so I’m very happy. »

Is it a surprise? Not that much: Manuel Merillas has already distinguished himself on several occasions against the best trail runners in the world, notably in the OCC (Chamonix) which he won last year. The first Frenchman, Thibault Baronian, took 7th place.

“I didn’t really know where I was during the race, there were quite a few girls in front, remembers Oenus. And then, I started to take them back gradually after about 10 kilometers. I had to fight until the end because I was exhausted 10 kilometers from the end and I had a terrible pain in my toe that I broke 10 days ago. The descents were quite painful but I managed to hold on. »

Behind Oemus, Caitlin Fielder manages to do well (2nd), as does Theres Leboeuf who takes the bronze medal.

#surprising #Daniela #Oemus #Manuel #Merillas #win #ZegamaAizkorri

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