Manuel Guerrero, a Mexican detained in Qatar, is now in Mexico City

MEXICO CITY.- Manuel GuerreroMexican detained in Qataris now back in Spain after leaving the country on August 12.

At a press conference, the British-Mexican citizen denounced the abuse he suffered in the Qatari prison due to his sexual orientation.

He said his arrest does not define who he is, and that he will continue to fight “for a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or health status, can live with dignity and freedom.”

Manuel Guerrero, a Mexican detained in Qatar, returns to Mexico

On Tuesday, Manuel Guerrero had his first meeting with the Mexican press after his release from a Qatari prison, where he was detained on charges of being gay.

Guerrero denounced that the Qatari government itself subjects its citizens to conversion therapies and that the detention centers have inhumane health conditions.

“The State itself does not guarantee due process by promoting physical and psychological openness and does not provide legal advice or translation,” he accused.

“This is not only a human rights obligation, but a stain on the global conscience,” he said.

The Mexican, who lives with HIVsaid that in Qatar there is a prevailing lack of knowledge and stigma regarding the disease.

“People with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV. This is a scientific truth that must be disseminated to combat the stigma and ignorance that still prevail in many parts of the world.”

Manuel Guerrero left Qatar, “definitively and in total freedom,” on August 12 heading to London, England.

This after paying a fine for “drug possession,” a charge for which he was also accused.

He spent a few days in London for medical treatment, after which he traveled to Mexico.

Manuel Guerrero Aviña case in Qatar

On February 4, 30-year-old Manuel Guerrero was arrested in Qatar accused of being part of the LGBT+ community.

Guerrero Aviña, who has lived in Qatar for seven years and is a British citizen, arranged to meet another man on Grindr.

Upon arriving at the meeting place, she discovered that it was a Qatari police operation to identify members of the LGBT+ community through fake profiles on the app.

The sharia law o Islamic law which governs Qatar prohibits sexual relations between persons of the same sex.

Upon arriving at the meeting place, he was met by Qatari police, arrested for his sexual orientation, and later taken to prison.

Following his arrest, Guerrero reported being a victim of torture, physical and psychological abuse, and isolation.

He was also denied the right to a lawyer, among other abuses.

LGBT+ organizations They warned about the case of the detained Mexican and asked for help from the embassies of the United Kingdom and Mexico.

A judge released him from prison after a month and a half in detention, but he was not allowed to leave the country.

Following an intense diplomatic campaign and that of human rights organizations, he was sentenced to a fine and deportation, reports The Country.

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2024-08-27 12:15:15



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