Look at the sky and discover the stars, that’s what you can do this Sunday, July 31 at 9 p.m. by going to the village hall of Mansonville and the village square.
This evening will be hosted by Thomas Benech “Polaris”. It is aimed at young and old. It is not necessary to know anything regarding astronomy, but it is simply a question of spending a pleasant evening under the stars and letting yourself be guided. A first part will be on the big screen, where you will be totally immersed aboard a spaceship departing from Earth in order to move further and further away from it.
The highlight of the evening will take spectators to the village square, plunged into complete darkness for the occasion.
Using a green laser, some notions and identification of the brightest stars, the main constellations, the Milky Way and the planets will be developed then will come the observation with the telescope (250 mm) with the observation of the planets , clusters of stars, nebulae and galaxies, which each in turn will observe through the eyepiece of the instrument. Evening without reservation, free participation. Come and discover the universe in Mansonville.