Manousakis: The electric interconnection of Crete-Attica will be fully operational in 2025 – 2024-07-28 16:27:58

The Crete-Attica electricity interconnection, the most complex electricity transmission project in Greece, is in full development, with a target of completion of construction and start of testing at the end of 2024.

The progress of the project implemented by ADMIE’s subsidiary “Ariadni Interconnection” was established during the working meeting held yesterday in the Region of Crete, in Heraklion, by ADMIE’s management officials led by the President and CEO of the Administrator Manos Manousakis, with the Regional Governor of Crete Stavros Arnautakis and the Deputy Regional Governor for Environment Nikos Xylouris. The subject of the meeting was the progress of the electrical interconnection and the necessary accompanying projects, as well as the planning for the strengthening projects of the Crete System provided for in the Ten-Year Development Program of the Administrator.

The administration of ADMIE also informed about the development of the electrical interconnection Greece (Crete)-Cyprus-Israel Great Sea Interconnector, starting from the Damasta Conversion Station, which will further contribute to the energy security of the island and strengthen its geopolitical position in the Eastern Mediterranean.

As Mr. Manousakis stated, “In the summer of 2025, the electric interconnection of Crete – Attica will be put into commercial operation. Already since the electrification of the so-called “small” interconnection with the Peloponnese, the level of quality of electricity services has improved significantly. Conventional units are closing and even more will close with the completion of the major interconnection that will unlock significant environmental and economic benefits.”

Today, the Project Manager of “Ariadni Interconnection” Angelos Stamatelos and the Director of New Transmission Projects Michalis Chatzipanos went to the construction site of the Damasta Conversion Station, accompanied by the Deputy Regional Governor N. Xylouris and the Mayor of Malevizi Menelaos Bokeas, who were informed about the progress of the projects. .

In particular, the main building facilities of the station are nearing completion. In the immediate future, the transfer and installation of the transformers of the Conversion Station and the valves for converting direct current to alternating current, as well as the work of the overhead transmission lines for the connection with the National Electricity Transmission System, are expected to begin. The construction of the new 150 kV GIS, as well as the auxiliary buildings and the other work on shaping the exterior spaces, is also progressing at an intensive pace.

With the completion of the project in conjunction with the small Peloponnese-Crete interconnection that will operate continuously from the summer of 2021, the energy isolation of the island will be lifted and its energy security will be ensured without the use of conventional units, thus reducing production costs and improving environmental footprint and the quality of electricity supplied.
Finally, the island is now becoming an energy hub in conjunction with the future expansion of the interconnection to Cyprus and Israel, while the foundations are being laid for its further “green” development with the creation of an electrical space of the order of 2.5 GW for the installation of terrestrial and offshore RES projects.

Manousakis Manousakis Manousakis

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