Even one day following the shooting in Essen-Karnap, the search for the perpetrators has so far been unsuccessful. The act had caused an uproar in the entire district in the north of Essen.
The injured man is said to have been hit in the thigh and collapsed bleeding in front of a house – a witness reports. The police have now announced that it is a 34-year-old from Bottrop. A total of three shots were fired – on the open road. Bullet casings were lying around for a long time. A black car with a foreign license plate is said to have fled the scene, the police report.
Injured in shots in Essen
00:19 Min..
Available until 05/17/2022.
Homicide detective
Just last Wednesday there was a shootout in Duisburg between Hells Angels and given to clan members. Police and prosecutors do not provide any information as to whether this is also an act of violence in the drug or clan environment – the background to the act is unclear.
A murder commission is now investigating what exactly happened in Essen-Karnap. So far this is still unclear. Two people are said to have been in the car. The description of the perpetrator is very unspecific: He is said to be slim and to have worn jeans and sunglasses.
Rescue helicopter in action
A rescue helicopter had also landed in Karnap. However, it was not used because the injured person was taken to a hospital in an ambulance. The police patrolled the scene with submachine guns at times. Karnaper Strasse was completely closed for several hours – including for rail traffic. Now she is free once more.