Manga “Kingdom” author Yasuhisa Hara announces uniform sponsorship (front of pants) | Sagan Tosu [公式] Official site

This time, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Yasuhisa Hara, the author of the manga “Kingdom”, has been able to support Sagan Tosu’s uniform sponsor (pants front) as follows.

Sponsor information

sponsor name [スポンサー名]Mr. Yasuhisa Hara

Details of sponsorship

Details of sponsorship

Sagan Tosu top team uniform (pants front) sponsor
・The logo of the manga “Kingdom” will be displayed on the left front of the top team uniform pants at the Sagan Tosu official match.


What is “Kingdom”?

The time is BC, China’s Spring and Autumn Warring States period.
In this era of great war, which has continued for more than 500 years, there was a young king aiming for China and a servant who aspired to be a great general in the world.
The dream that the two boys dreamed involves the fate of seven countries and the lives of more than 300 characters, leading to a grand future that no one knows yet.

Unification of China.
Depicting the most endless battles in history

A blockbuster full-fledged historical taiga comic. “Total circulation exceeded 92 million! Comics 1-66 volumes are now on sale!!”

Comment from author Yasuhisa Hara

Last year we unfortunately missed out on the top 10, but I think it was a great battle with a new force and a new system.
It was just a game that was more interesting than the ranking.
I expect that the team, which is in its second year as head coach Kawai, will show even more precise football.
We will continue to support Sagan Tosu in 2023! good luck!



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