Mane: This summer transfer is the best decision of my career and winning the African Cup is the best moment of my life – yqqlm

Original title: Mane: This summer’s transfer is the best decision of his career, winning the African Cup is the best moment of his life

Mane: This summer’s transfer is the best decision of my career and winning the African Cup is the best moment of my life

Live it, July 22. Bayern striker Mane was elected as the African Footballer of the Year this morning. He was also interviewed by the BBC not long ago and talked regarding related topics.

– Leaving Liverpool

I decided to leave last year because I wanted to try a new challenge. For me, it was the perfect time to leave the team.

I spoke to the coach (Klopp) a year ago and expressed my willingness to leave the team. If you know me, I come from a small town and my life is always challenging, and I always challenge myself.

I’ve been in the Premier League for eight years, including six good years at Liverpool. I can say that we have won almost everything.

——Joined Bayern

It’s not an easy decision, but in life you have to make decisions sometimes. so far, I think it’s the best decision I’ve made in my career

I’m now playing for one of the best clubs in the world and I’m really, really happy to be joining Bayern and I’m looking forward to the new season.

When Bayern made the offer and explained the plan to me, I was so passionate. Bayern have big goals because they are one of the best clubs in the world.

Frankly, I want to win trophies, I want to win the Champions League. So if you can join a team that fights for all championships, the choice will also become easy.

– African Cup Champion

Africa Cup is the best trophy I have ever won in my lifeand what is even more special is that my country has never won the Africa Cup of Nations before.

Of course, success with the national team is always more important than success with the club, and I’m really, really happy to win the Africa Cup.

Of course, my dream is not just to win the title with the national team, but also to win all possible trophies with my club. This is also my goal.

– winning penalty

When I scored, I don’t think I might realise how important it was because it was beyond my imagination.

I just ran around and I can’t remember anything.

As I’ve been saying, the Africa Cup is one of the things that made me a player. When I was younger, I always watched our national team and only our national team.

so when i When I won the Africa Cup, it was the best moment of my life so far.

World Cup

It’s going to be very, very difficult. But as I’ve always said, anyone, any player can have a dream.

So even if it’s difficult, let’s say it’s not impossible, so why not give it a try?

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