Manchester City’s Financial Irregularities: Latest Updates and News – 2025 Trial and Verdict Date

2023-11-30 13:07:24

It is rumored that Manchester City’s financial irregularities case will be judged as soon as 2025 (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

[Now Sports]British media reported that the preliminary trial date and hearing for Manchester City’s violation of as many as 115 Premier League financial regulations may be held at the end of next year, and it is said that the final judgment date will be as early as 2025. The British “Daily Mail” stated that Manchester City and the Premier League have reached a consensus on the date of the hearing. The first hearing may be held at the end of next year. Both sides will need to face questions from an independent panel. This will also be the largest hearing in the history of the Premier League. of a hearing.

The “Daily Mail” inferred that if the hearing is successfully held at the end of next year, the court is not expected to reach a verdict until mid-2025. There are many variables that cause delays, which may further delay the verdict. For example, both parties may appeal the verdict. Under this circumstance, the review time will be further prolonged and may evolve into a marathon interrogation at any time. It is estimated that Manchester City will be fined and deducted points in the foreseeable future.

In February this year, Manchester City was accused by the Premier League of violating as many as 115 Premier League financial regulations between 2009 and 2018. It has refused to cooperate since the investigation began in December 2018. Everton had already been deducted 10 points for violating financial principles. Many people in the football world believe that Manchester City will be punished more severely, and the most serious penalty can be expelled from the Premier League. But if the media’s estimates are accurate, this matter will not happen until 2025 at the earliest, by which time even Godiona’s contract will have expired.

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