Managing Type 1 Diabetes: Insights from Dr. Osama Hamdi – Harvard University Professor

2023-09-29 08:20:18

11:17 AM Friday, September 29, 2023

Books – Saber Najah

Dr. Osama Hamdi, professor of internal medicine and diabetes at Harvard University, said that type 1 diabetes results from the complete destruction of pancreatic cells by the body’s immune system, stressing that it has not yet been proven that these cells can return to work once more by modifying the diet.

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Hamdi added that, unlike type 2 diabetes, which benefits greatly from weight loss, intermittent fasting, and reducing high-glycemic carbohydrates in food, such as sugar, rice, potatoes, corn, and wheat flour products.

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The professor of internal medicine pointed out that it has not been proven that the body can form these cells that secrete insulin once more by any means, whether nutritional or medicinal, so the treatment of these conditions is only through insulin.

Hamdi continued that proper nutrition, especially reducing carbohydrates – mentioned above – can improve blood sugar levels, but with the necessity of continuing insulin treatment, because stopping it, even for one day, may expose the patient to ketone poisoning.

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The professor of internal medicine confirmed that stopping insulin for patients with type 1 diabetes may lead to death, warning once morest eating sugars, jam, and honey, to avoid raising the blood sugar level to high numbers, which may lead to a great danger to their health.

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